2nd CD Fail

Today the Wisconsin Democrats from the 2nd CD held their annual convention where they elected a new CD chair. Congratulation go out to Christine Welcher, for winning the job of 2nd CD chair!

I look forward to seeing how she expands the party. Heaven knows the Wisconsin Democratioc Party needs a major shot in the arm!

Off the agenda, but allowed to speak were a few different Democrats whose names have been bandied about as possible entrants into the 2018 Governor’s race. Unfortunately, the one person missing, was the person who has thrown their name in the hat, as definitely running for Governor on the Democratic ticket – Bob Harlow.

Mr. Harlow spent yesterday at the 7th CD convention and was told that today he would not be allowed to speak, nor would anyone else on the Governors race. Mr. Harlow decided to stay home and take a day off on this beautiful Sunday, whether than go spend a day at an event that he was not wanted at.

As I arrived, names you have seen before, people who were rumored to run, were being brought up to the stage to speak.

I texted Mr. Harlow to see why he was not speaking and he told me that he was told that no one would speak. I recommended that since others were given the opportunity, he should come address the crowd (of about 400) also.

Bob Harlow then dropped what he was doing and came right to the convention. Then he spoke with the 2nd CD chair and was not given a preference or even a guarantee that he would be given the same opportunity to speak as the others.

Bob Harlow then saw an opening in the unfollowed agenda and stepped up to address the crowd. The outgoing 2nd CD chair tried to stop him and there was a smattering of boos throughout the audience.

How dare some one come in and want to make the state a better state! There were even some childish members who tried to scream him down, others who left the room( good thing they didn’t hear a speech off the agenda) and some truly childish members who stood up and turned their back.

When people ask why the Democrats are the minority party in a fairly progressive state, just take a peek at the hard core members of the Democratic party. Their display today was embarrassing, ridiculous and uncalled for.

To Quote Yoda – “That is why you fail”.

When priority number one should be defeating Scott Walker, that means giving everyone a chance to be heard. To tell some people they can speak and others no, that is how we got in this mess to begin with.

I am fine if you do not think that Bob Harlow should be the next Governor. Then do what needs to be done to get one of your candidates to run and push them. The problem with Mr. Harlow is, he is a Wisconsin Democratic outsider, who has not hired the same losing, high priced consultants, so there is major push back against his candidacy.

Stop sabotaging people in the primary process. Stop treating people with money like Kings and people who aren’t self funding campaigns as Pariahs.

Let the people decide, who we want to support in beating Scott Walker. Then lets band together and do so.

I think the people of the 2nd CD District of Wisconsin, and the past chair, owe Mr. Harlow a public apology.


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