30% Water Rate Price Hike?

Might want to let the water utility know (today or tonight) what you think about their proposal.

Water Utility Board
4:30 October 28, 2014
119 E. Olin Ave.
Water Utility Conference Rooms A&B

Yay! Agenda Item 1 – Presentation on Madison Water Utility’s rate increase application filed with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin on October 21, 2014

Wait, boo! Can you get there by 4:30? If so, please talk so you can stall for others to get there to speak.

Well at least you can read the information for tonight and send your comments to the water utility board.

Oh, wait, the information attached to the agenda is from August . . .

Well, the information on what the filed is on the Public Service Commission website. The rate case number is 3280-WR-113. There are three documents (check back for more):
Madison Water Utility Application to Increase Rates for 2015 Test Year
Supporting Information for Madison Water Utility Application to Increase Rates for 2015 Test Year
Cover Letter for Madison Water Utility Application to Increase Rates for 2015 Test Year

Not sure how helpful those documents are (hint look at the first tab for an index to the document) – this is probably the key statement from the letter “The Utility is requesting an increase of 30.4% over estimated revenues from water sales at present rates. The requested revenue requirements would provide a 6.50% rate of return on investment.”, but tell the water utility board what you think from what you can decipher:

Anita Weier district18@cityofmadison.com
Bruce Mayer bruce.mayer@wegnercpas.com
Doug Voegeli dvoegeli@cityofmadison.com
Larry Nelson ldnelson@chorus.net
Lauren Cnare district3@cityofmadison.com
Mike DePue pdepue@yahoo.com
Patrick E. Delmore pdelmore@edgewood.edu

You can add staff too if you’d like: Tom Heikkinen – theikkinen@madisonwater.org

At least they are rewarding conservation, unlike MG&E.

If you care about fluoride in your water, that is also number 4 on the agenda.


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