Short and sweet.
7:00 Chair Scott McDonell calls meeting to order
Absent: Hulsey, Jensen, Levin, Matano, Stubbs, Vedder, Bruskewitz (much easier to hear when you are in the chambers)
McDonell announces 30 present, 7 absent, Stubbs notified.
Hulsey, Levin, Matano, Vedder and Bruskewitz show up late.
1. Prayer/Inspirational Message – Supervisor Corrigan (Supervisor de Felice next)
Corrigan says it is graduation season, and they are honoring graduating seniors on the agenda, she has 3 grads in her family this year and she has been reflecting on these celebrations. She says the primary goal in our work is working to make our county the kind of place the young people will want to return to cuz of the quality of life and having economic opportunities here. As we work to solve problems we are laying the groundwork for future generations, we may not always have same path in mind, but remembering the grads will help keep us working for a good future for these grads.
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Supervisor Corrigan
1. Report on the Juvenile Court Program
• Judge David Flanagan
• John Bauman, Juvenile Court Administrator
Flanigan says he is one of 17 circuit court judges, each of them take 2 years assignments in civil, criminal or juvenile court. In juvenile court they also have 4 court commissioners. In the juvenile area, each judge has 600 new cases each year, most are delinquencies or CHIPS cases (neglect or abuse). He says there are not many joyful things that happen in juvenile court or any other court, but they get to do adoptions that that is a joy. He has been elected for 11 years, this is his 1st year in juvenile court, it is a problem solving court, typically role of court is weigh evidence and come to discreet decision, the problem solving approach keeps the court involved in an ongoing effort to find solutions, drug court has the same model. Some counties are getting veterans courts as well. The juvenile court is a problem solving, more collaborative, less confrontational. There are lots of people at get to the table, sometimes you have a child, their attorney, the parent, a parents attorney, a foster parent, a social worker, a guardian ad litem, etc and it takes time to get them all together. There is also a series of hearings that can continue for years especially with the reunion of family, that is why the able juvenile court administrator is there for overview of the services.
Bauman – Invites them to feel free to contact him if they have any questions or want a tour. Health and Human Needs and Public Protection and Judiciary are getting tours in June and he invited them to join them. He also says that he send them a link to their latest annual report. He is the Juvenile Court Administrator, he in charge of the department, part of his role is to work for the judges and have contract with Flanagan, he works under them as a liaison to juvenile court for delinquency as well as CHIPS cases. His job is troubleshooting and training. Juvenile court is divided in two parts. For CHIPS cases they start with Lynn Green’s department, corporation council is the prosecutor. If it is a delinquency case the JRC (Juvenile Reception Center) is involved, they take cases referred from police, they make the decision if the child should be detained and then the DA prosecutes. The detention and shelter home are unique in the system in that judges can order them there under certain criteria and they can’t refuse the placements, this allows for speedy decision making for short term interim placements. He has 32.2 fte’s and 20 ltes for vacation and leave in his department. They have a $2.9M budget, GPR is $2.6M of the budget, the difference is revenue from out of county placements, medical assistance, and DPI revenue. 95% of the department and budget is 24/7 operations in placement or decision making at JRC, they have reduced expenses and increased revenue over the years to bring GPR down, at bottom line level they have to meet staffing for safety and to meet licensing requirements. It’s the front end of the system, all programs are in between there. The reception center see 900 kids per year, JRC does intake for police, if they can’t release the child because of the charges or unavailability of parents or lack of appropriate place to keep the child. JRC decides if legal cutody is necessary, the court commissioner reviews the decision and affirms or changes it. The detention facility sees about 560 kids per year, there are some repeat offenders, it averages 15 kids per day, they have a 24 bed facility, average length of stay is 9 days, kids in detention are determination of risk to the community, not naughty or bad or skipping school, that is the value system of the juvenile court. Detention shelter and all programs work with kids 10 – 17 years old. The shelter home sees 250 kids per year, average of 8 kids daily, 12 days stay average. Home detention sees 200 kids, it is used when a determination is made that placement not necessary, just needs extra supervision, 30 days average stay for the kids.
McDonell asks him to send invite to tour facility to whole county board.
2. Res. 38, 2010-2011 – Recognizing the Graduating Seniors on the Dane County Youth Board
Matt Veldran and Melissa Sargent, and others come up front.
Veldran reads the resolution. The resolution passes on a voice vote unanimously and there is a round of applause.
Veldran introduces the people with him, there is one of the seniors here, the others are on their senior class trip. He says Otis left in November, but it was a tough transition year, and when you see the effects of the budget, you see the kids are dispersed more, and with the transiting out, they had a hard transition, they were unable to do good programs as they did the year before, but they persevered and focused and did great, sometimes things are tough, but people pull together.
The new Youth Board facilitator introduces himself and looks forward to finding youth to take leadership and be representative of Dane County Youth, including people who turned their lives around, if you know of youth to carry on the good work, get ahold of me, and he hopes to return in another year with more seniors.
3. Announcements
Chuck Erickson thanks everyone for the cards since May 12 when his father died, his family and him appreciate their thoughts and prayers.
Kyle Richmond says that he attended the South Madison Festival this afternoon, its still going on and he wanted to tell supervisors the farmers market is open, there was food and music and community services booths, its going gung ho, its actually in Sheila Stubbs district but she is not here. If you have not gone down S. Park St. lately, you should see the library, Urban League and Planned Parenthood building, it is a real asset to S Madison, the only tragedy today was the sound system went out and the politicians could not give their speeches, otherwise it went well.
Cynda Solberg says she is passing around an ordinance to recognize revenue in the budget process, the item came up of the Salve of the Stoughton Human Services Building, they voted to accept the revenue in 2008, and it didn’t even go up for sale in 2008 or 2009, which she thinks is a good thing, but in 2010 it is not sold, but deficit carries forward. Assets are carried forward while revenue is recognized on year it was on, this resolution says they can’t recognize revenue unless it is sold, she encourages them to sign it.
Brett Hulsey says at he just got back from the top of the Edgewater where they held an appreciation event for clean water champions, the recognized Jenson and Magnison (sp?) and another person going off their committee. They also recognized the girl scout troop, Fitchburg and DNR. He says in their mailboxes there is a champion of lakes poster/
Hulsey aslo talks about the Yahara Clean Plan to clean up lakes and take us to the next level, there is a paddle down river tomorrow, paddle to work day on the 17th.
Hulsey also says it is the MARC annual golf classic on June 15th.
Patrick Downing talks about the Mt Horeb Arts Assocaition and Cultural Arts Commission support for event in western Dane County the weekend after next and opportunity to experience the artists, they all open their studios, your are invited Fri – Sun, June 11 – 13th, there is a brochure at their seats with descriptions and on the flipside the map.
Carousel Bayrd says there is a Med Drop this weekend, you can drop off your meds, prescription or nonprescription so they are not in the medicine cabinet or worse yet flushed down the toilet. It is June 5 9:00 – 1:00 at three locations Lafollette High School, Middleton High School and Sun Prairie. There will be a second one October 20. There is a bag for everyone if you want to be reminded it is coming. There will be no questions asked, no proof required that you are supposed to have it, just go drop it off.
Stoebig says he has an ordinance amendment about dogs running at large, he was asked to sponsor after discussions with city-county animal control staff, they have been working with corporation counsel since they enforce Madison and County ordinance, they have issues with boundaries, this would make it consistent, more uniform enforcement.
McDonell announces the birthdays, there are two, Jeremy Levin’s birthday is today and I missed the other one.
1. Claims Recommended for Approval
Duane Gau moves to approve, Al Matano seconds. There is no discussion, it passes unanimously.
1. Res. 9, 10-11 – Approving Lease at 641 W Main St, Sun Prairie for Dane County Highway Vehicles and Equipment (Adopt)
2. Res. 10, 10-11 – Authorizing Purchase of Services Agreement Consulting Services for Siren Control and Related Warning System Improvements (Adopt)
3. Res. 11, 10-11 – Award of Contract for East Side Generation Station Electrical at Landfill Site #2 (Adopt)
4. Res. 12, 10-11 – Authorizing Addendum of Agreement #1 for Retro-Commissioning Services (Adopt)
5. Res. 13, 10-11 – Approving Change Order #52 for Roberts Construction for Direct Purchase of Materials for Badger Prairie Construction (Adopt)
McDonell asks for separations, there are none. He announces that the committee recommendations are before them. There is no discussion and they passes on a voice vote unanimously.
a. Map of Dane County
b. Summary of Grant as Modified Petitions
1. Petition 10072 – Town of Cross Plains – Carter Hudson LLC (Grant as Modified)
2. Petition 10199 – Town of Cross Plains – Robert Brunner (Grant)
3. Petition 10202 – Town of Bristol – Laurel Nordness (Grant as Modified)
4. Petition 10204 – Town of Oregon – Roger Parsons (Grant as Modified)
5. Petition 10205 – Town of Albion – Mark Sievert (Grant)
6. Petition 10207 – Town of Vermont – Mills Street Partners (Grant)
7. Petition 10208 – Town of Cottage Grove – Daniel Goff (Deny)
8. Petition 10209 – Town of Springdale – Hylbert Living Tr., Nancy C (Grant as Modified)
McDonell asks for separations, announces there is one registration on G1 in support.
Patrick Miles separates G7.
McDonell informs them Aaron Otto is in support of item 1.
There is no discussion on items G1 – 6 and 8, they pass on a voice vote unanimously.
Miles moves re-referral of G7 to ZLR (Zoning and Land Use), it is seconded by Wiggie. Miles says it was recommended for denial because it was clearly inconsistent with the land use plan and town comprehensive plan and they have an amendment coming to the comprehensive plan, but the land use plan won’t change, so they have to move denial. He has since been informed there may have been an oversight by the town and they may be revisiting the land use plan.
Referral passes unanimously without further discussion.
1. Res. 325, 09-10 – Approve Crop Leases on County Park Land – Winter 2010 (Adopt/Adopt with Amdt.)
McDonell informed them there is a EANR (Environment Ag and Natural Resources) amendment as well.
Gau moves that amendment, it is second by Richmond to add change from EANR, amendment passes on a voice vote unanimously. There is no further discussion, the main motion passes on a voice vote unanimously.
2. Res. 332, 09-10 – Authorizing an Agreement for the Reconstruction and Jurisdictional Transfer of CTH JG in the Village of Mt. Horeb (Adopt Sub. 1)
Gau says he assumes that sub 1 was taken to finance committee, there is a new line, above it it indicates funds available in the fund, but then says on the back it is pre-borrowing, is that the 2010 budget process?
Mcdonell says finance unfroze it and they want to pre-borrow to do construction during the summer and bond later.
There is no further discussion, it passes on a voice vote unanimously.
3. Res. 1, 10-11 – Approving Lease with Friends of Schumacher Farm at Saddlebrook Barn in Westport (Adopt)
No discussion, passes voice vote unanimously.
4. Res. 16, 10-11 – Authorizing Acceptance of a Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (Adopt)
No discussion, passes voice vote unanimously.
5. Res. 20, 10-11 – Approving Contract with the Greater Madison Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for 2010 (Adopt)
No discussion passes voice vote unanimously.
1. *Res. 32, 10-11 – County Executive Appointments ( )
McDonell announces this passed Executive Committee 6 – 0 earlier that evening. There is no discussion, it passes on a voice vote unanimously.
2. *Res. 37, 10-11 – Supporting Application for State Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easement Funds in the Town of Windsor ( )
McDonell announces this passed Executive Committee 6 – 0 earlier that evening. There is no discussion, it passes on a voice vote unanimously.
1. Res. 319, 09-10 – Homeland Security/Multi-county Power Outage Exercise Grant (Adopt)
2. Res. 2, 10-11 – Authorization for Early Purchase of Boat (Adopt)
3. Res. 3, 10-11 – Allocating Living Wage Funds to Tellurian UCAN, Inc. DCDHS – ACS and CYF Divisions (Adopt)
4. Res. 5 10-11 – Accepting Income Maintenance Administration Allocation (IMAA) Funding to Pilot Regionalization of Services – DCDHS – EAWS Division (Adopt)
5. Res. 6, 10-11 – Authorizing an Agreement to Accept Highway Safety Grant Funds “Corridor Enforcement” (Adopt)
McDonell asks for separations, there are none. He says the committee recommendations are before them and if there are no objections, he will have them record an unanimous vote. There are no objections.
N. ADJOURNMENT – Until Thursday, June 17, 2010, 7:00PM, Or Call of Chair
Dave DeFelice moves adjournment, Miles seconds and they adjourn in 36 minutes.