What does the Common Council want to discuss tonight?

What does the council want to discuss tonight? It looks Thuyelicious.

Here’s what I picked out earlier this week.
– Public hearing on Operating Budget
– 1/5 of committee appointments for people who don’t live in the city.
– Authorize spending to have an independent review of the Overture “Focus Model”
– Also and independent review of the building condition for Overture.
– Independent Living project that is somewhat controversial.
– Hiring lawyers to figure out how to get New Market Tax Credits for the Library.
– Purchasing Union Corners
– 10 year agreement with the Mallards and this is on improvements.
– Edible Landscape in Wingra Park.
– Fixing the elevator.
– Requiring custodians of open records to look at them before they release them and ask the city attorney if they have questions.
– Requiring ethics disclosures on all committee, commission and board agendas.
– When a third party can pay for city officials trips.
– New law on when a city official can raise money for their causes.

Here’s what the council members picked out . . .

October 19, 2010 Common Council Meeting – Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

Please note that exclusions on this listing may change at the meeting. Items may be added or taken off the list when the consent agenda is presented.

ABSENT: Mayor Cieslewicz, Ald. Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, Ald. Julia Kerr, Ald. Michael Schumacher

Agenda Items #2 through 5 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS.

The following items are extra-majority items to be included on the consent agenda with request for unanimous vote

6. Legislative File No. 20076 – SUBSTITUTE – Report of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments (2/3 vote required for appointments to Downtown Coordinating Committee, MDC Board of Directors, Senior Center Board of Directors.)

9. Legislative File No. 20225 Amending the 2010 Operating Budget to appropriate $25,000 from the Contingent Reserve to Miscellaneous Appropriations to hire The North Group, Incorporated for $22,500 to conduct the independent review of the proposed operating model (“Focus Model”) for the Overture Center and advise on performance standards and James Undercofler, Professor of Performing Arts and Arts Administration at Drexel University for $2,500 to design recommendations for the private, non-profit board selection and composition. (Business by the President – 15 votes required)

10. Legislative File No. 20247 Amending the 2010 Operating Budget to appropriate $25,000 from the Contingent Reserve to Miscellaneous Appropriations to hire XXXXXXXX to conduct an independent review of the building conditions, building needs and the structural integrity of the Overture Center. (Business by the President – 15 votes required)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST:

12. Legislative File No. 19348 – SUBSTITUTE – Approve the request from Independent Living, Inc. to provide up to $432,000 in CDBG, HOME Match, Acq/Rehab funds and Scattered Site Funds to acquire and construct 42 units of senior rental housing on the north side of Madison. (Report of BOE – Request referral to the 11/9/10 Council Meeting – Ald. Tim Bruer, D. 14 by request of Ald. Michael Schumacher, D. 18)

14. Legislative File No. 19995 Authorizing the execution of a Real Estate Contract with M&I Regional Properties, LLC for the purchase by the City of properties located at 2507, 2504 and 2340 Winnebago Street (Union Corners) and authorizing the use of Land Banking Funds for the acquisition. (Report of BOE – Ald. Thuy Pham-Remmele, D. 20)

25. Legislative File No. 20104 To authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with Dudgeon-Monroe Neighborhood Association, Inc. for the planting and maintaining of an edible landscape to be located in Wingra Park. (Report of Board of Park Commissioners – Ald. Thuy Pham-Remmele, D. 20)

50. Legislative File No. 19335 Creating Section 33.01(9)(f) of the Madison General Ordinances to require all sub-units to include an agenda item at each meeting for ethics disclosures and recusals. (Report of Ethics Board – Ald. Thuy Pham-Remmele, D. 20)

51. Legislative File No. 19916 Creating Section 3.35(6)(i) of the Madison General Ordinances to establish conditions and procedures for a third party to pay for incumbent’s permitted expenses. (Report of Ethics Board – Ald. Thuy Pham-Remmele, D. 20)

52. Legislative File No. 19922 – SUBSTITUTE – Amending Section 3.35(5)(a)2. of the Madison General Ordinances to allow an incumbent to solicit funds under certain provisions. (Report of Ethics Board – Ald. Thuy Pham-Remmele, D. 20)

71. Legislative File No. 20248 Accepting a deed from Overture Development Corporation for the Overture Center located at 201 State Street; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Lease and Operating Agreement with 201 State Foundation, Inc., or its successor; authorizing the formation of a condominium at the Overture Center; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute such other documents that may be deemed necessary by the City Attorney to implement the transaction. (New Business for Referral – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4 – for the purpose of additional referrals)

72. Legislative File No. 20227 Final Report of the Overture Ad Hoc Committee to the Mayor and Common Council – Mark D. Bugher, Chair (New Business for Referral – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4 – for the purpose of additional referrals)


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