6th Alder Tossing in the Towel

Judy Compton joins Eagon, Schumacher, Kerr, Sanborn and Pham-Remmele.

For Immediate Release:
Dec 21, 2010

For More Information Contact:
Ald. Judy Compton, District 16
District 16 Alder Judy Compton Not Seeking Re-election

It is with great sadness that I announce I have decided not to run for re-election. Circumstances demand that I spend more time with my family.

My six terms serving Madison have been wonderful. Together we have accomplished a lot for the 16th District and the Eastside. Whoever follows me in this office will hopefully continue to build on the framework that has been established, and the 16th will continue to be the best place in Madison to live, learn, work and play.

Another reason it is difficult for me to leave is the current Council. When I was first elected, the Council was full of conflict. It was not fun to serve during those years. The current Council, however, is different. Though I don’t always agree with all the Council members on an issue, I admire the passion of the younger alders and the tenacity with which they challenge each issue. It will be hard to step away from what has finally become a working Council.

I may be leaving office, but I will not leave the Eastside. I will stay involved. The Eastside is the best and safest place in the city in which to live. Let’s keep it that way.

Thank you for your continued help and support. Thank you for letting me serve you these 12 years. See you around the neighborhood!

I wish you peace.


  1. Oh wow, I had the same reaction, when I thought “not Alder Rummel” my heart was in my stomach.

    Thanks to all the alders but thank you Alder Rummel for sticking around !


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