Board of Estimates Recap

Sorta live blogged (I’m not a fan) so I can go to Plan next . . . . I’ll attempt to blog this as they go along, so formatting and typing may be a little sloppy. And probably missing c’s.

And they start only 6 minutes late . . .

Public Speakers: Schmitz registered in favor of item 11.

1. 20663 Adopting and confirming the Labor Agreement between the City of Madison and Teamsters Union Local 695 for the period January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012.

They introduced the guy taking over for Mike Dieters. They talk sports and who is a fan of what.

Mike Verveer asks for the history on this, asks if there was arbitration.

Dieters says there was an agreement, ti was voted down and then they went to mediation.

Verveer asks about overtime.

Chuck Kamp says that the items to control overtime are still in there. Item 10 has some changes to ensure not having excessive overtime from a particular person on a particular day. Says to see three where they have working suspensions instead of paid suspensions for absenteeism issues.

Verveer asks how the new tools will work.

Kamp says they are significant tools that help them.

Mark Clear says issues wasn’t the total amount, but focused on a small number of individuals. Clear says this spreads the health.

Kamp agrees, most of it was the rules that allowed those interested in overtime and had seniority, they got preference. He talks about the work rules and “fill”, under the rules, they could be assisgned 7 hours and 50 minutes. This is now clarified, you would not be given another assignment with another 7 hours of overtime.

Clear says they could do a double shift cuz 10 minuts short of 8 hours. Kamp agrees.

Clear asks about seniority and getting the first pick, will those down the line get to have seniority.

Kamp says that seniority will still work that way, but the seond piece of work will go further down the seniority list.

Verveer asks about WPPA petition to represent the workers.

Dieters was really hard to hear, but it sounded like something was going to be filed at the end of the year.

Passes on a voice vote, I think unanimously.

2. 20651 Creating a new position (1.0 FTE) of Cross Connection Control Inspector in the Water Utility budget, and deleting a vacant Water Meter Mechanic 2 position.

Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

3. 20645 Submitting the name of Lucia Nunez for confirmation of a five-year term as the Civil Rights Department Director.

Jokes. Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

4. 20701 Submitting the name of Gregg McManners for confirmation of a five-year term as Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center Director.


McManners says it is an honor, great facility, great staff. Iconic facility. Looking forward to moving forward. Business is good, 3rd best year they have had. Pleased where they are. Thanks Jim Hess for hsi leadership.

No discussion, passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

5. 20721 Report on Position Studies.

Report moved to be accepted. Lori Kief has no position but avialable to answer questions. No questions. No questions of staff.

Verveer thanks them for the report, this is quite helpful even tho served on the board for 10 years. Statistics were very informative and hopes we will see it every few years.

Passes on a voice vote.

6. 20630 Amending Secs 35.02(7) and 35.025(4) to establish 2011 Sewer Utility Rates (including Landfill Remediation Fees) effective January 1, 2011 and amending Sec. 37.05(4) of the Madison General Ordinances to establish 2011 rates for the Public Stormwater System.

Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

7. 20660 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the lease with Madeline J. Rice allowing for the City’s continued use of space at 204 Cottage Grove Road for the operation of the Pinney Branch Library.

Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

8. 20718 Amending Section 22.20(3) of the Madison General Ordinances to increase various weights and measures fees and create a fee for Farmers Market scale.

Satya Rhodes-Conway asks what a Farmers Market scale is?

George Hank says that same as other scales, but at the Farmer’s Market, Back and forth. They haven’t dealt with them in the past, charge slightly less, more jokes.

Verveer asks if they can hire more people.

Hank says that current staff have reached point where can’t keep up, this will allow them more preventative measures. Where they proactively test packaging. Says to individual consumer it might not be a big deal, but over a year it has a big impact. The city is growing even with this economy and more is being added.

Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

9. 20658 Amending the 2010 Operating Budget of the Parks Division by transferring $62,000 from the dog park fund for the creation of two new off leash dog parks.

Rhodes-Conway thanks the citizens that made this happen.

Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

10. 20636 Authorizing the execution of an Offer to Sell and Gift Real Estate with Scott M. Faust (“Seller”) for the purchase of two lots located at 2724 and 2728 Waunona Way for the expansion of Esther Beach Park and authorizing the amendment of the 2010 Parks Capital Budget for the acquisition of the lots.

Rhodes-Conway asks if this comes from the Parks Impact fees.

Kevin Briski says land acquisition fund of park acquisitions funds. From impact fees.

Rhodes-Conway asks how much is in the fund.

Briski says abotu $2.3M in overall balance. This would use half of it.

Eric Knepp says this is the city wide fund, I can’t hear the rest of the answer.

Rhodes-Conway asks what the planning for.

Briski says pavilion and its a great place for people to get married.

Bruer says good way of history repeating itself, talks about post cards Alder Rummel had of the site, there used to be a road house, like a pavilion. Says the road house was taken down in the 90’s and the cabins were still rented out to people from Chicago to go camping up here. Says the park is heavily used, water is clean enough to swim. Sister park to Olin. Talks about taking cruise ships across Monona, this is a once in a lifetime chance.

More jokes.

Bruer thanks the Mayor.

Verveer says the seller also owns land in Downtown plan designated as park land.

Briski says they are aware and some may have talked to him.

Verveer says seller not as excited about selling downtown property.

Passes on a voice vote.

11. 20679 Appropriating $5,744,000 from the General Fund balance to agency budgets, the Capital Projects Fund and the Workers Compensation Fund to cover various unbudgeted expenditures during 2010.

No questions for Susan Schmitz

Rhodes-Conway asks Dean Brasser about this.

Brasser says taht this is the last meeting of the year, this does the formal recognition of areas they know they are over budget, the overhire in the police budget is the bulk of the over run in the police budget. Second is more unusual, a capital project, Lisa Link Park, budget for completion with private fundriasing, that didn’t happen, the project is done, this authorized the money to be spent. Third is transferring money to Worker’s Compensation Fund. Has had a negative balance, to a modest surplus, this should get us the rest of the way there. This helps with the Expenditure Restraint Program as well.

Mark Clear says not sure what hat (BID, Parks Foundation or DMI), he asks about private fundrasiing goal and how it will be made up.

Schmitz says that its tough times for fundraising, but since the park has opened it has helped. They are looking at naming rights for ???, missed it.

Clear asks for dates and targets.

Schmitz says they hope to have it all in 2011.

Passes on a voice vote.

12. 20629 Authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk and Chief of Police to accept $15,000 in overtime funds from the US Marshals Service in conjunction with our participation in their Joint Law Enforcement Fugitive Apprehension Squad.

Passes on voice vote, no discussion.

13. 20668 Seeking Common Council approval of 2010-2011 Signature Art Grant awards as recommended by the Madison Arts Commission.


Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

14. 20606 Approving Facade Improvement Grants to: 817 E. Johnson Street (The Project Lodge, Creative Performances). 823 E. Johnson Street (The Jewel in the Lotus, Yoga Studio), 418 E. Wilson Street (The Cardinal) and 923 Williamson Street (Food Matters, LLC).

Clear asks a question, is this the last of the money


Passes on a voice vote.


15. 20634 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement to fund a Madison Capital Revolving Fund loan to Tilt Media, Inc. to assist in making improvements to the building located at 3209 Latham Drive.

More jokes.

Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

16. 19244 SECOND SUBSTITUTE – Providing additional detail in describing the EECBG-funded programs to be administered by City CD Division staff, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the requisite agreements necessary to implement the goals and objectives of these programs.

Confusion over Bruer having side conversations.

Rhodes-Conway asks when they will get an update on how the money is spent and results.

Bill Clingan says gave presentation to mayor and CDBG committee and want to talk to council leadership. Presentation tomorrow with others this week. More and more getting out there.

Larry Studesville says that the feds keep changing aspects of the program, but making progress. RFP for residential portion should be released early next week. He says that he thinks the commercial piece will come out in January, and that will take about 2 months. They wanted to start with residential first to get the financial institutions on board. Commercial banks have those relationships. Hard to hear him.

Rhodes-Conway says this has been hard to follow, suggests that they want their constituents to know about this program and they should try to educate the council.

Clingan says that CDBGis the parent committee and mayor’s office and trying to get in front of council leadership.

Rhodes-Conway says it shoudl be a council briefing before a council meeting. Perhaps in January. That gets the best attendance.


17. 20653 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Purchase of Service agreement with Porchlight, Inc. to operate a Transit For Jobs & Economic Self Sufficiency program utilizing City of Madison Miscellaneous Appropriation funds as identified in the 2011 adopted operating budget.

Passes on a voice vote, no discussion.

18. 20654 Approving services and programs to be administered by the Community Development Division during 2011, as recommended by the Community Services and CDBG Committees as part of their joint 2011-2012 funding process, and for which aggregate Division funding was previously approved by Council as part of the City’s 2011 Adopted Operating Budget; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all requisite agreements with the designated community agencies.

Rhodes-Conway asked about results of the $50K they put in the budget.

Clingan says they met, came up with list and amended what you have in front of you to have accurate numbers. He lists of the additional amount the groups got. (Sorry, that’s why I hate live blogging, didn’t get all the details.) He says committee appreciated their generousity and thought they followed their process.

Verveer asks about his thoughts on the new process, has the committee thought about the future, did they like the process and how did you like it.

Clingan says evaluation was on agenda, but they didn’t get to it. He says this was his first go around, missed a bunch cuz someone was talking to me. Clingan says that lots of stakeholder involvement, and staff involvement but committee drove the process. Still talking to me . . . missed more. He says it took a lot of time. For six months staff were really busy. He says there were good decisions, it was a fair, may have over communicated, wanted to make sure no one could say I don’t know. A general question of his was it was a lot of energy and time and results are good but wonders if there is amore eloquent process that condenses that. But maybe that is the way it is. The city process is unique, good democracy, but its slower, and like all legislative bodies, it might feel like sausage making.

Verveer asks about evaluation process, do you have plans or have you thought about discussion with agencies about their thoughts about what went right and wrong. Was it worth all the time. Are they ecouraged to attend the next meeting.

Missed the answer cuz someone talking to me.

Clingan talks about maybe some focus groups. Missed a whole bunch. He says that they want all kinds of feedback. He says that lots of feedback and listen, if you make one correction others might say you didn’t listen, not everyone gets their way all the time. They get input, but decisions need to be made.

Verveer thanks him and says that it is right on that trying to solicit information while fresh in everyone’s mind.


Passes on a voice vote.

19. 20657 Reallocating unused funds, originally allocated for expanded services to the Brentwood Neighborhood, from the Vera Court Neighborhood Center to the Northside Planning Council, who will serve as the fiscal agent for the implementation of other projects serving the Brentwood neighborhood and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with the Northside Planning Council.

Passes on a voice vote. No discussion.



  1. “20701 Submitting the name of Gregg McManners for confirmation of a five-year term as Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center Director. Jokes. McManners says it is an honor, great facility, great staff. Iconic facility. Looking forward to moving forward. Business is good, 3rd best year they have had. Pleased where they are.”

    This guy will draw a salary from the city in excess of a half a million dollars over the next 5 years, so of course “it’s an honor” and he’s “looking forward to moving forward.” City business is surely good to him.

    Sadly, there was no discussion about that aspect – just jokes.

    The joke is on the taxpayers.

    This and other city salaries are far too high, and this is really a shame. We can’t afford it.


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