Lawton and Lautenschlager Endorse Soglin

Soglin Campaign: Barbara Lawton and Peg Lautenschlager endorse Paul Soglin for Madison mayor plus Terese Berceau commercial.

Former Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton and former Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager have endorsed Paul Soglin for Madison Mayor.

“There is no one better to lead Madison in these difficult political times than Paul Soglin,” Lautenschlager said. “His respect for working families, his lifelong commitment to civil rights and social justice and his passion for making Madison a better place for everyone makes him far and away the best candidate in this race.”

“The unprecedented challenges of our times call for smart, strategic, resourceful leadership. History teaches us that Paul Soglin is the man we need right now — for his unimpeachable integrity, gutsy vision and commitment to dignity in politics and in our lives,” Lawton said.

Lautenschlager and Lawton join Madison Teachers, The Capital Times, The Daily Cardinal, IATSE Local 251, State Representative Terese Berceau, Dane County Supervisors Dianne Hesselbein, Melissa Sargent, Barb Vedder, John Hendrick, Melanie Hampton, Al Matano and Paul Rusk; Madison School Board Member Arlene Silveira; Alders Brian Solomon and Paul Skidmore; and hundreds of other community leaders in endorsing Paul Soglin for Mayor.

And here’s the commercial . . .


  1. I think you forgot to mention Kathleen Falk endorsed Cheese.

    and no… I still don’t agree with the Edgewater TID or the bus fare increase.


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