New Badger Partnership Propaganda

While most politically active students – from the Teaching Assistants’ Association to the Student Labor Action Coalition to many members of the Associated Students of Madison – have been organizing against Biddy Martin’s New Badger Partnership, it seems that some students love the plan so much that they’ve even made a video endorsing it.

The group behind this effort remains very shadowy, refusing to even make public the names of its members (fear of retribution? From the TAA?). This certainly leaves the organization open to the criticism of astroturf-ing as a front for the university administration.

But what I find most appalling is the implication that Steve Miller would ever support privatization. Let’s hope a parody video is in the works.


  1. This video shows only one thing about Biddy’s plan. The New Badger Partnership: ensuring that upper middle class and rich white kids can still go here…


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