Debate Scheduled for District 48

Election dates to fill Parisi’s seat finally announced! July 12th for the primary, August 9th for the general. So, time to have a debate!

This is a somewhat goofy press release, but here’s the info. The Barrymore Theatre is at 2090 Atwood Ave.

A friendly reminder that NEXT TUESDAY is one week away!
And so is our forum that brings together all seven individuals interested in representing us!

The seven candidates will gather to discuss where they are at what they have done and what they hope to accomplish. District 78 State Assembly-person, Mark Pocan will start us off, by talking about the assembly and what it means to be 1 of 99.

The election has been called, the election has been called! From Andy Heidt’s FB page (4 minutes ago) “Walker orders the special election in Assembly District 48 to succeed Joe Parisi. July 12th primary, August 9th general.”

Segway Jeremy Ryan will guide the candidates in a discussion on how they can work together over the next few months, even if there is only one chosen at the end.

And of course questions from us, the audience. Email questions to The forum ends with closing statements.

Doors open at 6 for some food from Bea’s Bonnet and meeting and a hour social with the candidates. The forum itself starts at 7. There is a childcare area, that will be staffed with great-first-aid-certified-babysitters from our neighborhood. Concessions available too.

Tell your neighbors. Help still needed. Three ushers, two people for clean up. Someone to pass the hat.

And thanks,

ps. the SASY Council is rumored to be in discussion of holding a forum too, to be announced, soon I hope. Does your neighborhood association want to too?

p.s. MJ is Mary Jo Walters.


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