Operating Budget Department Requests – Part I

Here’s what the departments submitted to the mayor for the operating budget – what the Mayor chooses to do with it we won’t officially know until the first Tuesday in October. And then we’ll see if any of these budget community discussions has any impact on the requests. So, here’s the highlights and the links to 119 documents that comprise the budget requests. They may seem to be in an odd order, but its the order the budget documents come in. I’m going to just keep going til I have to stop, then add more as I have time.


Because of the nature of the services performed by the OCA, personnel are the only areas where costs may be reduced. In order to meet the budget reduction, this budget will require the layoff of 2.2 Assistant City Attorneys. This amounts to a reduction of nearly 14% in the ability of the OCA to provide legal services. Because layoffs are based on seniority, the ACAs to be laid off are all now assigned to prosecution. As a result of the layoffs, other ACAs will have to be assigned to cover matters in municipal court. This will mean delays in Municipal prosecutions and in rendering legal advice and representation to elected officials, City Departments, and City boards, commissions and committees. The City Attorney does not support layoffs, but thinks furloughs are a better method of meeting budget reductions. Because furloughs are not to be used in our budget submittals, a separate memo will go to the Mayor and Finance Director on furloughs.

Asking to add back – 2.2 layoffs to meet the budget target. $156,146 for salaries and $222,508 with benefits.


The DCR budget is predomently salaries, so to meet the 5% reduction, we are proposing the following:
1. Not filling the Disability Rights & Services Specialist in 2012
2. Cutting the AASPIRE Program
3. Reduce funding to a few minors.
Interally we have discussed and planned what these cuts will mean for the agency and the community. For the Disability Rights and Services Program, we have divided the responsibilites and duties of this program among staff.

Asking to add back – $49,352 for the Disability Rights & Services Specialist

This request is to allow funding to fill the currently vacent Disability Rights & Services Specialist position at 75%. The position is currently vacant due to previous staff retiring.

Asking to add back – $19,541 for AASPIRE interns

This request is to provide funding for four ASSPIRE Internships the depearment sponsors every summer to attract members of Affirmative Action Target Groups who are engaged in college level studies compatible with a Public Administration career track. Individuals that are selected are hired as City employees in the hourly classification of Management Intern 1.


The Budget includes:
1. This budget does not include funding for the Research Analyst position.

No additional requests.

No notes. No additional requests. $120,000 in savings.

Folded into the Department of Civil Rights

No notes. No additional requests. Asking for $1,795,873 – same as last year.


The Budget includes:
1. The costs and expenses required to continue to operate at a standard that meets community and client expectations.
2. In order to meet the prescribed 5% reduction in our operating subsidy, the following occurred:
1.) The reduction of one senior management FTE.
2.) An increase in revenue of 2% over the 2011 Adopted Budget.
3.) A reduction in capital asset purchases of 2.4%.

No additional requests.


The Budget includes:

1. A decrease in billings to customers to $5 per equivalent meter. This is the lowest rate that still allows the meeting of debt revenue covenants.

No additional requests.

Budget moved to Community Development Division Budget


The Budget includes:
1. Maintaining the current public service hours at all Madison Public LIbraries, with no staff layoffs. Eight current vacancies, as well as two newly developed positions, are not being funded in this budget, in order to help to balance it. Hourly vacant positions at Central Library are not currently being filled, in anticipation of the temporary relocation during the rebuilding of the New Central Library, due to start in January 2012.
2. Library Materials Collections were reduced substantially in order to balance the 2012 operating budget.
3. In order to balance this budget, the Library Board approved use of the Library’s Contingent Reserve fund.

Asking to add back

To assist in balancing the 2012 Operating Budget, the Library Collection materials budget was reduced by $500,555.51. Request to restore this amount so that we can meet and exceed the Dane County Standards for library materials expenditures in 2012.

Asking to add back

To balance the 2012 Operating Budget Revenues ($13,155,932.36) with the 2012 Operating Budget Expenses ($13,623,394.01), the Library Board approved the reduction to the Library’s contingency reserve of $467,461.65 (object #79999). This is the result of the required 5% reduction to the City Appropriation for the Library, reductions from Dane County and South Central Library System payments for services, as well as “other” revenue sources.

Asking to add back

To assist in balancing the 2012 Operating Budget, multiple library positions were not funded for 2012. Of these, we request funding for restoration of the Youth Services Supervisor position for a partial year, and two part time positions to provide enhanced services to teens and children in the neighborhood branches for the entire year in the amount of $115,241.39.

YS Supervisor position is 50% Central & 50% Neighborhood services, and is a continuation of an existing position. We would fund this position for the last quarter of 2012. Salary of $16,045.17 + $6,819.20 benefits = $22,864.37.

The two part time Neighborhood services positions will be an expansion of the current youth & teen programs, with funding for the entire year. Salary of $64,825.98 + $27,551.04 benefits = $92,377.02.

Additional and amended info:
Detail summary
Permanent Salary Detail
Salary Calculations

No budget notes.
No additional requests.

Additional information:
Salary info 1
Salary v2


The Budget includes:
1. Eliminated Neighborhood Grants Program of $80,000 for 2012.
2. Reduce hourly salaries from $15,000 to $4,400.
3. Reduce supplies accounts by $20,000.
4. Underfill a Planner 2 position in the Comprehensive Planning & Development Review Section as a Planner 1.

Supplemental Information

The Planning Division is submitting the 2012 Operating Budget in line with the $2,346,452 target we were given. This represents a reduction of $123,497 (5%) as compared to the 2011 adopted budget levy.

The Planning Division was able to achieve the budget target through the following actions:

-Elimination of the Neighborhood Grants Program which was funded at $80,000 for 2011.
-Reduction in hourly salaries from $15,000 to $4,400.
-Reduction in various supplies’ accounts by $20,000.
-Under-filling a Planner II position at the Planner I level.
-The Division also benefitted by having four retirements in 2010 and 2011 which allowed the Division to fill the positions at lower starting salaries.

In addition to the base budget, the Planning Division has submitted three supplemental budget requests to restore the Neighborhood Grants Program at the $80,000 level, to fund the payment of staff memberships in the American Institute of Certified Planners, and to create a neighborhood conference/training account with existing funds to be transferred from an existing special account.

As part of the justification for the Division’s supplemental requests the Planning Division has identified approximately $57,000 in revenue increases for 2012 associated with potential increases in various application fees for the review of development projects and by establishing two new fees; one for the review of parking lot/site plans and the other for review of minor alterations to conditional use permits and Planned Unit developments. The attached table compares the current fees to the proposed fees and provides an estimate of the additional revenue.

It should also be noted that the Planning Division again anticipates encumbrances of funds within the 2011 Operating Budget for expenditure in 2012. This includes an estimated $80,000 in encumbrances for neighborhood grant contracts and $70,000 in arts grants contracts entered into in 2011 with the expenditures likely to occur in 2012.

No notes – and I confess, I don’t understand why this $870,000 is here and not with the Community Development Division below. I thought I understood this . . . but no.

Supplemental Information:
Combines 26 & 27 – Which is what I expected.

No notes.

Asking to Add Back

As part of the requested 5% cut to the CDD budget for 2012, several service provider contracts were budgeted at levels significantly reduced from their 2011 funding levels, as indicated below:
– Community agency contracts with various service providers (reduced by $231,176)
– Special program support to United Way and “By Youth For Youth” (reduced by $2,300)
Program areas affected by these reductions include Children & Families, Youth, Seniors, Neighborhoods, Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse Services, Access to Resources, and Adult Workforce Preparedness. We ask that these very important services be brought back up to their full 2011 funding levels.

Community agencies (across all of our program areas) report a steep increase in demand for services. During
economic downturns, more “new” individuals are in need, but those traditionally in need face a disproportionate
amount of the hardship. This growing critical need in our community comes at a time when funders are withdrawing
support from these same service providers that do much of the heavy lifting in our community. “By Youth For Youth”
combines City and United Way funding to youth groups that work on city-wide grassroots efforts and projects.

Supplemental Memo.

Community Development Division 2012 Budget Submission
In order to comply with the 2012 budget requirement of a 5% reduction in levy, the Division needed to
cut $382,500 from its 2011 budget. Over the past several years, the Division has already made the
“obvious” cuts to our budget; what we are left with are largely cuts to programs that serve the
neediest of citizens in Madison, as well as personnel‐related reductions.

The Division also felt that with a 5% reduction, service providers should not suffer more of a cut than
City staff. Therefore, we have submitted a budget where there is a 5% reduction both internally
(Division) and externally (our contracts with service providers). It is our belief that we value the
contributions of community organizations (and the vital services they deliver in our community) as
much as we value the staff of our Division.

Internally, the largest reduction affects our Child Care Unit, as this is the only area where we can make
cuts without laying off staff. The Child Care Unit expects a retirement early next year, and in spite of a
backlog and the advent of YoungStar and 4K, we are suggesting a delay in hiring the replacement staff
position until late in 2012. We are also proposing reductions in our 4‐C and DCPC contracts, as well as
reductions to our child care grants and tuition assistance. The other internal cuts are largely
administrative in nature.

Externally, service providers would face over $230,000 in reductions, which represents a 5% cut. This
reduction by itself is serious, but when coupled with anticipated County, State, Federal and United Way
cuts, service providers will be severely hampered in their ability to respond to community needs. As
the “Great Recession” enters its third year, all services to the neediest in our community are being
stretched—and clearly, resources are not keeping up with the level of need in our community.


  1. Wow, the Department of Civil Rights needs to add spell check to their budget.  

    “The DCR budget is predomently salaries…”
    “Interally we have discussed…”
    “we have divided the responsibilites…”
    “fill the currently vacent Disability Rights…”
    “the depearment sponsors every summer…”

    Terribly unprofessional.


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