Council Operating Budget Live, Part II

Ok, questions of staff and then to the now 19 amendments.

Still in recess til 8:25 or so.

Subeck not in the room, Weier excused.

Mayor says motion is operating budget, time check at 12:30, he says some people say we will not fill the entire time.

Cnare says $135 pizza ordered on her credit card, taking donations. Says lead sponsor will make motions, and ask staff questions.

1 Delete Performing Arts Study (125,000)
Cnare tables til after Overture. Passes.

2 Clerk — License Fee Increases 10,000
Verveer moves adoption. Passes on unanimous voice vote.

3 Rhythm and Booms — reallocate $25K for soil tests
Ellingson moves adoption of substitute. Seconded by Rhodes-Conway.

Ellingson yields to Rhodes-Conway. Rhodes-Conway asks people to keep Weier and the health issues in her family in her thoughts. She says that she owes it to her to speak on it. She expected to vote no, between her absence, testimony of constituent and the substitute she will change her mind. Carrier spoke eloquently to the need. This summer 20 years of Rhythm and Booms, lots of other things going on in the park. Also request to update Warner Park Master Plan in the budget this year, it is related to uses and activities and the state of the ecosystem and wild portions of the park. There is a lot going on in this little area of the city. Having the study done will inform the master planning process and what they do in the future. Will inform how city celebrates 4th of July, those discussions are coming, the information from the study will be useful, is this the top of the list of things to spend money on, her name is not on the amendment, so no, but doesn’t object and does think that we could use the information. She says the expenditure is contingent on matching funds. There has been some effort, not yet successful, but we haven’t fully engaged people at Wild Warner or Committee on the Environment. This will allow them to go out and see if they can raise the money, if they can get the funds, 50% is significant and we will get something of value of it. Asks on behalf of Alder Weier for your support.

Clear says that substitute is more palatable, question about the cost, is this Phase I? Is this a guess or will it really cost $50K.

Rob Phillips, City Engineer says Phase one is information search, but this is testing. It’s more than that.

Rhodes-Conway says the number comes from the committee on the environment. $25K is for the lab fees, the match is to make sense of the data and conduct the sampling. The number is not plucked out of the air but not sure how precise it is.

Lauren Cnare asks if this analysis, the sample gathering and analysis could be done by Health Department. And, is the Committee on the Environment supposed to raise the money, or will someone else do that?

Janelle in Public Health says that they routinely do this and could handle it. Not sure on the cost or the time involved.

Michael May, City Attorney says they could ask for a federal grant.

Or the Mayor’s civic promotion fund – says the Mayor, he will cut back on pencils. He says there are no limitations on where they get the money, bake sale or large donor or another government agency. WE don’t have $25K in pencils.

Cnare says she will think about language to direct this to public health.

Palm says a report was done, and Briski has a copy, could he highlight the results of the report.

Briski say he left it on his desk, Janelle might be able to pull it up on line.

Mayor asks if they want to place it on the table.

Janelle says in 2010 they did an analysis or investigation on the feasibility. They conducted a literature review and other data and the results indicate that while the chemicals found in fireworks may produce an impact in human health, in quantities while it lasts there is no impact on human health or environment.

Cnare makes an amendment to give the money to the Health Deparment, but only if matching funds are obtained. Seconded.

Mayor clarifies that $25K is in the Health Department, correct?

Canre says no, they would manage it.

Mayor says they will supervise it, done by others.

Or themselves.

Mayor clarifies this comes from Parks and goes to Health.

Motion carried on amendment to the amendment unanimous voice vote.

Mayor points out that they ignored original amendment 3, they can place on file.

Rhodes-Conway sasy place original number 3 on file.

Passes, voice unanimous vote.

4 Police — SW Safety Initiative 30,000
Subeck says there is a substitute.

Subeck says that the language is changed with police, their goal is for them to come up with plan for the area to attack the areas, won’t run through the issues again, this would serve broad southwest side neighborhood resource team neighborhoods. Much needed resource, small amount of money, good bang for their buck.

Verveer makes an amendment to strike alders and say board of estimates and public safety committee would be in their place. He says inappropriate to have individual alders approving the plan. With the Downtown Safety Initiative was approved by these committees for the work plan so when concerns were raised a plan was submitted and approved and had public input, discourse and transparency.

Rummel asks Chief Wray, we budget for overtime, why don’t budget for a program but overtime.

Wray says that officers are restricted to their beat, if you want focused attention you can get at it by overtime, if acute problem can assign it. Otherwise grant funds or intervention officer could do an assessment or assign a neighborhood officer or allocate time through community policing teams. Multiple ways to do it, but historically they do it through overtime.

Rummel asks if they discussed the options with the alders?

Wray says that is why they asked for more time to plan, and practically, Captain Lengfeld will be the Executive Captain and Vic Wahl will be West in 2012.

Mayor says the question is the amendment. Rummel apologizes for speaking out of turn.

Amendment passes voice vote unanimously.

Amendment as amended passes voice vote unanimously. The place the old amendment on file. Passes unanimously voice vote.

5 Common Council — Delay Analyst to 2013 (60,000)
Ellingson says that she and Weier talked about it and they think they could put this off for another year since they have never head it before.

Maniaci says she was one of the people who worked on the committee, please, please, please vote this down, especially in tough budget time. We have to be able to do our jobs. This has been outlined, we ahve worked on it in subsequent budgets, time to put the trigger, time to invest in the institution, support having it in the budget.

Bidar-Sielaff urges to vote it down, she respects where Ellingson and Weier are coming from, it was throuoghly discussed last time. Of all the new positions in the budget, this is the most through through, a timeline, positions description and ready for the hiring process. Its time to be elevated to another level, honor the work we did last year and that the committee did.

King echos what was siad, he was head of the workgroup, this has been on the docket for 10 years now, they did a thorough job, structure was the issue. Came up with a novel way to address it. In this difficult time, they need to be equipped for better decision making. WE have 20 part-time essentially volunteer members and we need support to make effective decision. If we want to maintain that model, he would recommend they do this.

Palm says resistent to the position, it is a luxury, used by only a few alders exclusively or preferentially knowing how the staffing in the office operates, there woulc be issue with non-appropriate use, but was impressed with what the committee came up with. Placing in city attorney office was marginally genius, City attorney works with us and makes sense, you have converted me from disbeliever to believer, but this is temporary and lets see how it goes. The City of Madison has been in a regressive training mode, we crossed out all the pencils and training and not necessary staff and sometimes that is not the way to do that. Big issue form last night might have been different if we had staff to help alders out. Sometimes more knowledge and resources make for better and cheaper and more creative product. He is willing ot make the investment.

Johnson says asking everyone to cut and we are increasing, that is arrogant and can’t support it. This is nice to have but not necessary.

Clear didn’t support this before. These is to keepign to our word, this decision was made and will support it.

Phair says that understands Johnson but has watched this in the past and in deferenc eot others he supports the position.

Pizza is here and everyone is distracted.

Confusion over the motion, fails on a voice vote.

6A Assessor — Additional Appraiser Hours 55,541
Passes on voice vote, no discussion, unanimous.

6B Assessor — Retain FTE without funding
Placed on file, no discussion, unanimous voice vote.

7 IT — Restore MIS position 76,265
Motion to approve.

Palm asks to describe it.

IT Director says this was cut to meet budget target. He says it was vacant for months, in the applications development area, work on variety of products and web.

Palm asks impact of not filling it.

Less work and fewer projects would be done, planning website, that is a large job through 2012, insight into Legistar for more functionality and work on Neighborhood Resource Teams and some sharepoint applications in assessors office and working on something with police department. Depending upon when filled and skills that would determine what they work on.

Maniaci says they could do a 311 systems as well. Correct?

No, that is a massive project, no plans to implement a 311 system, county should do it, it would require a backend system, large undertaking not on our list of projects to work on.

Maniaci asks if they would work on this when the county gets their act together.

IT Director, Paul Kronenberger says they might work on it.

Mayor asks Cnare if she is getting enough money for the pizza, she has.

Clear says IT is about serving the department so the departments can serve the citizens, he says the first project is the Planning and Community and Economic Development website has to start over, these services are what make us strategically effective and we have to provide the resources to get the work done.

Resnick says that when you think about the website, that is the front page that people go to to get answer. It is a powerful and efficient tool. We can see cost savings. During BOE he and Clear started asking questions and they ended up meeting with Paul Kronenberger about their resources in IT, if go to Building Inspection, its pretty bad. Its not IT fault, its on the radar, just far down the line. The budget process website and Occupy Madison Payment System it gets bumped. Cool things he wants to look at, but we don’t have our basic needs met, that is like legistar updates and neighborhood items. This allows us to catch up so not waiting a year for a website to come on line, 3 months instead. That will free up resources when want to do something innovative. We could do many things but not meeting the basic needs.

Motion passes on a voice vote unanimously.

Cnare asks for a total on the levy.

Schmeideicke says $6M, 3.72% and taxes increases on average home 3.4% over prior year. A little under $69 dollars.

8 HR — Restore Tuition Reimbursement 10,000
Maniaci says she sent a memo form Karl VanLith, this is investing in our city employees, if not working hard to keep folks, kept for salary savings, would like to retain staff we have. I the memo he outlines the fact that we have $5K in 36 agencies. Police and Fire have their own money. She says that is a commitment form union. Fire department has $50K as well. IN terms of equity, the least we can do is $10 across 36 other agencies for education. This is not the computer class, bachelor or masters degree. This is the very least we can do. The hiring process has been challenging, we need to be competitive. This is basic guys, I hope you can support it.

Voice vote, couldn’t tell.

Roll call
No – Subeck, Verveer, Bruer, Clausius, Ellingson, Johnson, Palm, Rhodes-Conway, Rummel,
Absent – Weier

Fails. 10 for, 9 opposed.

9 Streets — Restore South Point Yard Waste Drop-off 30,680
King says Mayor Dave hazed him by putting him on Solid Waste and he didn’t do his job (?) so he apologizes, we get lots of calls on these issues, we have a lot of growth on the West side, we are using the site and trained people to go there, they have better hours than county drop off site. This is a basic need, doesn’t want people driving all around to get to sites. And fear is that they will just drop it at the end of closed off streets or dump it in the ditch, wants to train and educate to deal with it the appropriate way. Basic services agenda.

Clear was firmly on the fence, two responses, one for, one against. But the distance from his house is closer, will support, want to reopen based on growth soon anyways.

Passes on voice vote, unanimously.

10 Streets — Street salt use from 300 lbs to 250 lbs. (136,500)
Ellingson places on file. She started out as environmental activist and when you damage the environment you can’t fix it, if you wreck it you can’t ever put it back. Al just really didn’t want tot talk to me, got himself in the hospital. He convinced me that our streets department does what they can do based on a number of conditions. Will propose a resolution to look at what actions we can take, not study, there is a mountain of information about slat in drinking water and lakes and its time to change our practices, will try to go through a better process and will come back later with substantive other proposals.

Passes on a voice vote, Palm votes no.

11 Streets — Bus Stop Snow Removal Job Sharing
Schmidt says that amendment to BOE amendment to clean up issue with who is doing what job, numbers are the same and fixed the concern.

Passes on unanimous voice vote.

12 Water Utility — Crowley Station
Passes on voice vote, a no or two?

13 Overture 500,000
Verveer moves adoption. Second.

Rhodes-Conway point of information – Update.

Update is levy increase 3.74%, 3.4% on average home, $6.7M total.

Somon recuses himself since partner is Arts Director for the City of Madison.

Bidar-Sielaff urges support, they worked hard to come to this agreement, they worked many hours and came up with various models, she started on a different side of the equation, wanted public-public, ended up supporting private model based on long term costs and language to support employees if they transitioned to private entity. This is critical to uphold the agreement, this is the year that is paramount to give the funding, it is a transition year and oding anythign with the funding would put the Overture future in danger, this is a compromise, was supposed to be $2M, is only $1.85. Both parties agreed to it.

Palm says that he voted a long time ago to buy it for $1 and lots of money was spent since then and a year ago another vote, and council decided to go with the current model and voted against it, didn’t think it was sustainable and obvious irony is that we are seeing how unsustainable they are. Concern is about city budget, first and foremost which is why he could not support it, too early to decide at Board of Estimates, we were doing good, but not sure if we can do $500K in this budget, his inclination is to support it, have done well with capital budget, fairly well with operating, but spent some money didn’t need to do, but he will support and not a lot of debate cuz so many sponsors.

Cnare thanks Palm for coming around on this, she has spoken for a long time about Overture being in infancy, hope they ask for less dollars every year, and eventually snub us and don’t want any money, but this is not the year, we are not a rich community any more, there are foundational pieces for this for our future, she will donate the pizza money and will give a check to put her money where her mouth is, she will help pay for it personally.

Clausius says last night went back on commitment to Edgewater, this is a compromise, should move ahead with it, urges support.

Verveer – Mayor says speaking second time?

By yielding the floor? Or making the motion?

Didn’t hear the answer.

Verveer says that he appreciates Cnare’s donation, says Cnare was sincerely moved by Palms change of his vote. Thanks the volunteers. Not the dozens of ushers and info desk but the board members too. 4 are here, Betty Custer, Linda Baldwin, Joe Sensenbrenner and Dierdre Garton. Thanks them for their work and the personal commitment they have made. Also thanks employees. We know the vote is preordained at this point, important to recall the milestones about the Overture, tremendous energy went into the transition, not everyone agrees with the model. We are on track in almost every benchmark. This is about the contract we adopted and holding up our end of the agreement. Missed some. Says that they can’t exceed the fundraising goals they have and make up the short fall. Already raised $1M last year and we are tripling that goal in this year. OCF cannot do additional fundraising. If we don’t have this city support in this important first year, I don’t know how will make up for the shortfall. Don’t know how they would make it up. Misplaced priorities, disagrees,in many years not enough for the arts, but for the City of Madison there would not be an Overture. I know from time on Civic Center commission we have long had the tradition to provide educational and community programming including free and reduced price. That will continue. He says this year they programmed 210 performances for free and low cost. Highest ticket price was $8. For any families for whom $8 is a barrier the foundation covers the costs. 82 performances of ticketed events. Says it is important to local artists. 230 performances by local artists. 86 by touring groups. He knows votes are there, thanks them for the support to the city’s commitment, absolutely the right thing to do and hopes not necessary in future years and cannot abandon them now.

Rummel says started out opposing, will support, still unresolved issues of how to make sure that have a level playing field with all arts institutions so that economic development happens everywhere. Wants to figure out how to use the facility better, to enhance arts infrastructure. There are opportunities to make the space more usable and hopes to see it more interactive. Goes to the book festival and 1000s of people go there, want it to exceed but bull in the china room, do need the arts study,need to keep an eye on it. Need all kinds of opportunities for people. Adds her name in support.

Rhodes-Conway says she hopes former Alder Zach Brandon is watching, lost track between needs and wants, surprised by number of amendments not talked about, some didn’t say no cuz no point, we are not in one of those years when we can just keep adding. I lost several 100 dollars in each pay check and can deal with that but many people who can’t, and I have constituent that before the governor did what he did, and I am not the person who should be making this speech and we need to look at what we need. All of these are good ideas, but we can’t do them all the time. Overture is a lovely place. If you asked me what I would do with a half a million, this is not my top choice, I’d give it to community services, public health police. She was at the table and was mean and that was then. She understands the value, but if you ask me to choose over seeing a show and giving them after school or weekend programming they can do day in and day out all year round, the choice is clear. I know it will pass and in some ways I thank you for ensuring that, makes it easier to vote against it. Won’t offer amendment to give half million to community services, but someone should have.

Resnick says that as a member of MCAD and understanding the details with fresh perspective, wasn’t here for agreements, could only watch and he would note that the $2.4M in fundraising, to obtain that would be a challenge, it will not be easy. He is confident they will be able to attain ti, that is why supporting, but if it doesn’t happen, we have a lot of questions to answer, they city will, overture will and donors will. I’m very concerned with what the city oversight will be. What will be the role of the mayor’s office in future budgets and role of council if we can’t decide if $1.8 or $2.1? I don’t know if all the work has been done on the transfer agreement, city involvement should be there. Will support it, after meeting with possible leadership, budget and new marketing plans, believes it will succeed. Won’t take off training wheels yet, may be back in laps as plan D.

Clear says gained Bruer and Palm and lost Rhodes-Conway, that’s unfortunate. That is a false choice of one of the other on community services, mayor framed it that way. Question is if we stick to our agreement. He reminds them how they came up with the $2M. It was from the $700K in capital costs. That is why they didn’t buy the building. A lot of uncertainty in owning the building. Real danger the Overture would close, we agreed to fund this which we would have paid for capital costs. If bought the building we would be paying this anyways. Sorry for history lesson, important to keep that in mind.

Johnson says that don’t like opposing Verveer, he’s my role model for how to do this, but thank Satya cuz running out of steam, she reminded me that even tho will pass, reminded me I should speak. Tough day, apparently I don’t work hard enough but I’ll take a stab at it. This is farmed in the wrong way, not spend it elsewhere, but she would give it back to the taxpayer. Last year cut $7M from the executive budget. We came in less than executive did and mayor did an excellent job in a difficult situation. She looks at this in a different context,we are facing reorientation int he geopolitical contest and we will have hard times for years to come. There are structural changes in our economy affecting us. When thinks about constituents this is hard to justify. She has struggling families in her district. Proud to vote against the Edgewater. She loves the arts and takes kids. Loves the arts but is it necessary. Knows it will pass, she will not vote for it, she is trying to keep your property taxes down.

Phair says good philosophical discussion, politics and philosophy aside, this is about commitment, we made a commitment and last night we didn’t keep it and it will affect us for years to come. We are being asked to give back $500K cu the mayor took it away. As far as priorities, you have to invest even in tough times, definitely safety, Alder Subeck and I prioritized neighborhoods in need, but the commitment on Overture is a commitment. This isn’t about balancing against anything else.

Bidar-Sielaff says that the discussion about spending it on this vs something else, it is a false choice, the reason Overture investment is important is because of return in investment. this is not the same as police, we get investment back.

Passes on a voice vote, a few nos.

14 Planning — Interns 10,768
Maniaci moves approval. Asks Brad Murphy questions for benefit of colleagues. Downtown plan introduced yesterday, what does this go for.

Murphy says this goes for interns to work on special projects that involve technical and professional staff, helps stretch staff and allows us to hire students. WE had $14K this year and if this is not approved we would have $4K,which would allow us to hire someone for 6 or 7 weeks.

Maniaci asks about real specific things they worked on.

Murphy says on the cover of the budget, there was technical support in Downtown Plan, using mapping and arcview software. They have a set of skills that allow us to produce products that end up in the plans, maps and graphics and written materials. They do research and assist the professional planners.

Maniaci asks what value they provide to the staff or the cost savings.

Professional staff would have to do this work otherwise and they can accomplish more. Provides opportunity for college students to grow and develop as planners.

Maniaci asks if it fosters career development.

Yes, helps grow next generation of planners. They hire several interns and work with AAPIRE in Department of Civil Rights.

Manaici says this is really basic, nuts and bolts to keep the city running, to keep the grease moving, I should not have to debate 10K to create accessibility to city hall, to facilitate professional staff for the planning department. We all sit in these meetings, and you know how in demand our planning staff time is. This allows them to use their time well. This is a small amount of money, it opens up city hall to bring in the next generation, professional staff for not a lot of money. Passed on voice vote last year, would like to pass on voice vote again tonight.

Someone said “roll call” There are no’s and they actually do it.

No: Clausius, Johnson, Palm, Rhodes-Conway, Rummel, Skidmore, Cnare
Absent: Weier

Take item one off the table
They do. Johnson says can defer.

Solomon argues the opposite, we have learned a lot about other facilities in the city and we aren’t clear what roles other facilities play, this is not about overture, this is about neighborhood, jobs economic development, we have heard from private sector partners that there are real concerns about their survival and nothing to lose by looking at the issue and what role we can play.

Maniaci is going to abstain. Going back and forth on this, she has a problem with us funding the business plan for private institutions, we should do the Majestic market survey, but thinks it does have economic impact. Don’t see why we should do this, would like to see some joint participation in funding. Not our job to do the research, city has goals, don’t need to tell Barrymore they need on-line ticketing.

Rhodes-Conway says this is not what is in the mayor’s executive budget or the draft RFP from months ago, this is not about marketing plans its the role of the city that is being studied. The cultural plan was specifically designed not to include information about arts venues, we don’t have the information, we didn’t do that piece, I can’t speak to why, but its a big gap, its a big piece of the cultural landscape we don’t get to. This is not the RFP and its not about the competition, its about Madison’s cultural landscape and getting information. Sympathetic to this being a want not a need. Not in cultural plan can we wait, some say yes, some no, part of her says to do it all at once. Just want them to know what they are voting on.

Phair says that can’t talk about taking away money from Overture and talk about tough times and then vote for this.

Cnare has not pizza money left otherwise she would donate it. She is conflicted. She has questions. No objections to Mayor answering from the chair.

Cnare asks when an RFP, by end of year. Sally Miley and City Arts Coordinator will be in charge and it would come to BOE for changes. Cnare asks if we need it now, or wait? Maybe makes sense to see what happens with Overture and their track record, doesn’t know how will vote, asks for maybe another update. Have we set ceilings by law or pocketbooks.

$7M increase on levy. 4% increase, 3.6% on average home.

Mayor asks if this is adopted and amendment number 16A is adopted, what would you have.

Schmeidicke says $7,053,000, 3.93%, 3.58% on the average home.

Roll call
No: Verveer, Palm, Rhodes-Conway, Rummel, Schmidt, Solomon,
4 passes – Cnare No, Ellingson No, Maniaci Aye, Resnick Aye
Absent: Weier

11 ayes, motion carries, 8 nos.

15 Bldg Insp — Inspector for NRT neighborhoods 59,786
Subeck has a substitute, 1.0FTE code enforcement officer, dollar amount $67,991 – just a mistake in the names that they used when making the amendment.

Rhodes-Conway asks about bi-lingual hiring, what was the result. There is a need, can you address the issue in light of the amendment at BOE about recruiting bilingual positions.

George Hank, Building Inspection says that don’t have to specify further, the amendment at BOE will direct us to work with HR to do what we can to recruit Spanish speaking inspector. He will take any Spanish speaking employee to facilitate the need. For the last 10 – 11 years interviewed 100s of people, and each time ask if speak a foreign language, a few yeses, one was German and another language not helpful, not for lack of trying, do nee dot expand the applicant pool.

Phair says that this goes to strategy for the Southwest side, the few but costly landlords out there that don’t take care of properties and cause problems in neighborhoods. WE know there is a big need, we know Hank could take 10 more, this is a good step,e specially in NRT neighborhoods.

Mayor asks if objection to him speaking. He says if he thought there was support he would put it in there, added on building inspector, thought it would be seen as too much, however, when look at what is necessary, whether old frame houses in intercity or aging housing stock form 50s 60s 70s now in need of inspection, we are way behind an ideal standard. Would like to get through every unit once every 7 years and respond on demand. With 2 inspectors can’t get there, but will have serious positive consequences.

Rummel asks if exclusively only for NRT, that is her only question.

Hank says that right now covering the central city adequately (NO WAY!), they are trying to push into other areas, they have been successful but with the calling for the enhanced neighborhood resource teams, this will be a helpful position.

Rummel says you would assign them to a NRT, how would this be enhanced.

Hank says one person on two teams and for the types of things they are doing that is quite demanding. WE expect them to do door to door in the building. It can be time consuming with re-inspection and with prosecution.

Subeck makes a motion to take out the “exclusive” language. Especially if they are Spanish speaking they may do other things, the language was extreme.

No objections to the amendment. They vote on the whole thing and it passes.

$7.165, 4%, 3.65% on average home.

16A EDD — Job Creation Specialist start 7/1/12 (44,446)
Ellingson moves adoption.

Schmidt says that thought take up 16B first since broader question.

Mayor says second amendment in order, but only two.

16B EDD — Eliminate Job Creation Specialist (88,892)
Schmidt moves 16B. Says we need to figure out what the job is and get it i the work plan and run it through EDC, understand that could happen in 6 months, not convinced it would, would prefer to take the whole thing out.

Rhodes-Conway says this can’t wait. People are unemployed and underemployed. Less concerned about the work plan and hopes Economic Development team can be nimble. It’s not that complicated, there are best practices, people in the community working on it, some of what is needed is collaboration. Confident plenty to be done and can figure out what it is and certain it cannot wait.

Solomon says 1 in 6 Madisonians living in poverty. Unemployment rats are in 20 and 30% range in some areas. Remember the unemployment rates are only those actively searching for jobs. Huge skill mismatches in job growth and skills of workers. Wages won’t support people in housing and living in Madison. This is critical, neighborhoods at a tipping point need this, this is the single best strategy to reduce poverty, crime and turning the tipping point. It addresses homelessness and foreclosure rates. We have all kinds of cool things going on but we are not connecting them to people who need it and to the businesses that could hire them. There are a lot of linkages that could happen. Hope is that quality jobs for low income residents should be incorporated into economic development, this is how we start. He reads economic development plans and its goals and notes how they are related – he’s talking too fast . . . . he talks about the outcomes. We’re not seeking grant and foundation support because there is not staff. Missing a bit. He says there is enough for 5 staff. Olver supports it, Mayor supports it, we need ot take the functions, focus on priorities, we could do it in a few months, ok to wait until July, but can’t wait another year. He says he will do whatever it takes to develop the job description.

Phair asks Olver if he supports it and how would it work in your office.

Aaron Olver, Economic Development Director says that incredibly important area and incredibly challenging. You are talking about folks on the lower end of the skill spectrum and getting them connected in meaningful way to the market is a challenge. This problem is so large that it has its own department. So, admire the intention and see the need and when think of economic development, that is pursuing strategies to grow the economy and helping people share in that and this goes to the second part. Alder Solomon is right, more work than one person can do, we need a clear plan that has broad buy in. He couldn’t write a work plan and be confident it would produce results that would make you happy a year form now, we have to work collectively on that,hopes it could get done in 6 months, supportive of the concept, happy to work on it, eed a clear plan and he needs help doing it

Rummel asks what the next steps would be.

He says that he heard various concepts, coorperatives, reach out to employers, heard case manager type role, Solomon talking about facilitator role more in workforce development system. We need to figure out where to get most leverage with our limited resources. He says this goes beyond his division. Group mayor convened to start talking about this, maybe that is the forum. Need work plan and position description.

Can do it in the next year.

Depends on the priority, we can do anything you want, not everything.

Rummel says that this is important, this is the 5th budget and tried to create jobs and often don’t get filled and afraid it won’t happen, hopes we follow up with it. This is starting without a position description, we need to make sure the work gets done.

Schmidt says that making a plan is how this gets filled. I means leadership and initiative, glad to hear Solomon is going to do that. He says he spent a lot of time getting the 4 positions for streets and I made critical error of not making sure they got filled, it takes follow up. Urge you to give it a year to develop the strategy, I know the need is urgent, but urges to support the amendment.

Cnare having trouble with the board.

Clausius says that at BOE he was prepared not to vote for it, he got caught up in the momentum, however agree with Schmidt, its premature, will take a year to determine where it will fit, sticking someone in the position would take a year.

Maniaci says happily not a third amendment, to get it April 1st, we should give it a go, believe in truth in budgeting, hearing that not ready Jan 1, so would support July 1, not happy about that, not looking to kill it so not supporting the amendment before us. We could have gone to April 1.

Clear says before the amendment the had a discussion at Economic Development about a position of Poverty Czar and realized how inappropriate the title was, and talked to staff and the Office of Business Resources has been short staffed, they lost one and one position not hired in the process of doing it. Point is in process of ramping up to new full strength. They were excited about the idea and concept of matching employer needs with workers. They thought they could devote some resources, concerned about adding the position when just getting up to speed and not sure how much capacity they will have. He says there is probably mission creep and the city will duplicate or add to effort that an entire state department already has responsibility to. Mismatch between goals of department and way the position is defined. Can support either.

Solomon says that we don’t do enough to address poverty and the root causes and this is a way to start taking a serious step to addressing it. Poverty is hard to get at it. Its not easy to solve homelessness or we would. One way we can do that more than any other is getting someone a job. This is a way to stand up and say we prioritized poverty. There are a lot of people that do this work, but no one goes out to talk to employers and try to create jobs for individuals. There is a number of ways we could do this. They need to create the linkages from the private sector side and they need to work with private sector to bring in jobs for low income individuals. This is a niche that needs to be filled.

Vote on 16B.

Mayor says its hard to chair the meeting with the chatter.

Maniaci calls roll call.

No: Subeck, Verveer, Bidar-Sielaff, Cnare, Ellingson, King, Maniaci, Palm, Resnick, Rhodes-Conway, Rummel, Skidmore, Solomon
Absent: Weier

Vote on 16 A

Passes on voice vote, one no.

17 Planning — Poetry contest placards 6,000
Rhodes Conway moves approval. Says that hopes it is simple. We need to make sure it happens.

Passes on voice vote.

18 – City Attorneys
Cnare says the language is a sincere attempt to recognize the concerns and careful step to not engage in negotiating. She is not comfortable with furlough days, encourage them to meet, it might be forceful language or weak, everyone has seen it and it will keep people at the table. Thinks it will get them a better end result.

Clear asks if they reach agreement and need more funding, we can amend the 2012 budget in 2011 right?

Yes says Attorney May.

Clear asks about HR or Mayor about their perception of the state of negotiations.

Brad Wirtz Human Resources says this is always difficult, we are making progress, both sides have moved and working towards the middle, taken a few steps backwards, as long as the process is respected and they don’t feel they can get a better deal in another route I think we will get a deal.

Rummel asks if will do this this year. Nods yes.

Passes on voice vote.

19 – Neighborhood Center Study
Subeck has amendment from yesterday for funding for needs assessment for Southwest side community center, they withdrew the two amendments. She stops to make the amendment, they decided that the process was backwards, makes sense to take a step back and come up with a plan. We have a great opportunity. We have incredible needs, there has been a lot of movement and excitement and makes sense to involve what it would look like. To make sure they meet the needs they have out there. They talked about need yesterday.

Rhodes-Conway says they had the discussion last year about need for new centers last year, there was a budget amendment for a study, what has or has not happened. Is the money in this year’s budget or is it carried over.

Bill Clingan says history is accurate. Last year you put in 80K to do a study on where the next capital expenditures would be. AT one point directed at one part of town and then citywide. The dollars were put back into meeting the needs of the city and didn’t seem to makes sense to do a plan when no dollars to be spent. Why create the expectation if no money to spend it. That is why they walked away from it.

Rhodes-Conway asks what would change if we put this in teh 2012 budget and would it get done and can you mention work doing on how fund neighborhood centers and how it relates.

He says they can do it without the additional cost. They started a process, talked to neighborhood centers to look at how we fund them more equitable. Funded form 2 pots, program dollars and support. Programs can be better or worse programs but the support dollars are more a series of decisions. Staff is meeting with neighborhood center directors, his thought was that the data for that examination could be expanded ot give insight into new centers. They could expand the scope and get the same product.

Rhodes-Conway says not just capital but operating costs.

Clingan says that when build Goodman or Lussier, then you have to program it. There is all kinds of good data to say there is is a need on the Southwest side. It would be useful to get the data before you.

Cnare asks if they don’t need the money.

Clingan says they can do it without the money.

Rhodes-Conway supports it, her idea from last year revisited, prefer citywide, but smaller dollar figure and in light of what Mr. Clingan just said, maybe we want to just tell them to do this. She agrees with the need, it is important to get done. We need some guidance. There are a lot of decisions to make at Community Services and not a lot of data. It would be useful to see this mapped out, would love it more city wide, but agree that would find that some of the first needs are on the south or southwest side.

Subeck amendment to amendment, takes out money but leaves language. Any objection? No.

Clear appreciates the substitute and the frankness. $80 gets us no citywide and $0 gets southwest.

Mayor asks to address it, no objections. He says ove rthe past 3 or 4 weeks they started working on other non-budget items, and they are talking about comprehensive study on neighborhood centers, what is city roles, why some work and don’t, how relate to schools and nonprofits, used to have UNC, United Neighborhood Centers which collapsed and it may not have been perfect but it left a vacuum. They are the original orphan in no organization taking responsibility. He intends to spend staff time and resources to figure this out.

Phair moves to make it city wide.

Subeck wants them to focus. Afraid it will be too late, will miss opportunities, will take longer. Afraid it won’t get finished or take too long. Doesn’t want to wait for a full study. What is the timeline?

Clingan says give us a time line for a report. They can do it citywide.

Mayor asks to make a comment. He says earlier this week a resolution was drafted the details fo study and dates for it to come back and will bring to council, and see what council wishes to do. That is in the process. Maybe that just confuses things

Rummel says the resolution will hopefully give dates. Remembers United Neighborhood Centers and there are big differences, doesn’t want to put it off too long, hopes the resolution will get them a resolution quicker.

Maniaci says that last amendment, no moeny in it, wher ein the budget does it go, no money, why debating as part of the budget, how is this in order. Were doing the budget and there is no dollars.

Mayor asks if point of privilege if it is in order.

Chair rules it is in order.

They vote on city wide, the vote, revote cuz not everyone votes. Roll call.
NO: Subeck, Clear, Ellingson, King, Maniaci, Rummel,
Absent: Weier

13 – 6 it carries, now vote on it as amended.

Maniaci says 0 dollars, not a budget amendment, no line item, no reason for the amendment.

Passes with voice vote, only Maniaci votes note.

Mayor suggests that they vote on Operating and Capital together.

Update – $186,312,361 total, 7,121,111 higher than 2011, or 3.97%, mil rate 8.815 and average home – average values 73.72 or increase of 3.62%

Mayor asks if they would like to bring the capital budget in.

Schmidt asks how they do it.

Mayor says just bring it in, they can only have one budget because the mayor can only veto one budget.

Bruer asks what the net impact was of the council action.

Schmeidicke, says that 2012 capital budget GO 94M borrowing, 1.8M lower than BOE, $7M than executive. On the other funds 102M, 151K more than BOE and $7M higher than executive budget. Total funds 196M, 1.36 lower than BOE and 159K higher than executive.

Operating budget, 250M expenditures, 636K higher than BOE, 222K higher than exectuvie budget. In revenues, adopted 64M, change from BOE is 10K higher and change form executive 491K lower.

Levy is 186M, 616K higher than BOE and 713K higher than executive budget.

Comments/Final vote
Clausius says he no vote on capital budget was only about Edgewater, a number of very good things in there and will benefit his budget, he has been through this twice, a few years ago lost a $30M project, there were boneheaded roadblocks by city commissions and they went to Sun Prarie, same thing with Edgewater last night.

Clear moves operating budget and including capital budget. No objections.

Cnare asks may about the three items, want to assure ourselves it is in order according to the agenda.

May says you can do it, his reading is that 3 does the same thing and more and its up to you. The final resolution pulls the two of them together.

Cnare says don’t need to do 3.

No, still need it.

Cnare takes chair, mayor speaks.

Mayor says that he hoped at this moment he could say what a fine job had been done and congratulate people, but within vote on the item, they came within one vote of a veto.

Cnare says 29th.

Some say tomorrow they can do it.

Mayor says budget message won’t be ready.

Motion before them is . . .

Schmidt asks to ask the mayor a questions – asks what the line item is.

Mayor says it is the study and 500K on Overture and rejection on the study. Combination of the two. Could take up either one, the one that is most critical, is to reject the amendment and allow the study to stand. The vote was 11 in favor and 8 against, but on reconsideration 3 people would have to switch, frankly he is pessimistic.

Resnick asks for 5 minute recess. Passes.

Roll call
Everyone here but Weier.

King moves reconsideration of amendment one. Motion is in order. King says this is not a hill I want to die on. My number one concern is to keep to the commitment and if the mayor is adamant on the study he is willing to live with it, its a slightly higher rate than they informally agreed to. Compromise with the executive.

Solomon supports what King said.

Bidar-Sielaff will support reconsideration and motion. She wants to express frustration after two difficult nights, wishes Mayor would explain his frustration so we wouldn’t end at this point, uncalled for, unfair to put us in this position, does not reflect well on us as last two nights have.

Phair agrees.

Manaici says we are not facing a veto, just a threat of a veto.

They voted for reconsideration and it passed on a voice vote.

Ok, my fingers hurt, my computer malfunctioned and I have all my notes but I have to put them back together. Things went a little nuts, lots of words were said. Short story is that they all voted to keep the study except Phair, the mayor said he won’t veto the $500K for Overture and they unanimously passed a budget the mayor will not veto. I’ll get the last details up in the morning. Or in an hour or two . . .


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