Staff Recommendations on 100 State St. Block

This report is from the landmarks staff in the planning department. This is the summary, the whole report is here. They will be discussing this on Monday at the Landmarks meeting.

Recommendation Summary:
The project represents a unified redevelopment proposal and the recommendations contained within this report were formulated in that context. The Staff recommendations found in this report are summarized as follows:

A. Approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed exterior alterations to the designated landmark known as the Castle and Doyle Building located at 125 State Street [MGO 33.19(5)(b)4].

Weighing all aspects of this request, staff believes that the standards for granting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the exterior alterations to the landmark building may be met and recommends that the Landmarks Commission approve
the Certificate of Appropriateness for the exterior alterations to 125 State Street with the following items to be approved by Staff, or the Landmarks Commission if determined necessary by Staff.

B. Approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness for the demolition of the designated landmark known as the Schubert Building located at 120 West Mifflin Street [MGO 33.19(5)(c)3].

The decision to demolish a designated landmark building is poignantly irreparable. Each decision to approve or not approve a demolition must consider the unique situation of each case when applying the demolition standards found
in the Landmarks Ordinance. Weighing all aspects of this request, staff believes that the standards for granting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the demolition of the landmark building are not met and recommends that the Landmarks Commission not approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition.

C. Make a recommendation to the Plan Commission and Urban Design Commission for the new construction adjacent to landmarks [MGO 28.04(3)(n)].

Staff does not feel that the new building at 127-129 State Street will be so large or visually intrusive as to adversely affect the historic character and integrity of the adjoining landmark.

Staff does not feel that a new building structure behind the existing facade at 121-123 State Street will be so large or visually intrusive as to adversely affect the historic character and integrity of the adjoining landmark along the State Street elevation; however, on the Fairchild Street façade, Staff feels that the new building is visually intrusive to the Castle and Doyle Building.

The Landmarks Commission should make a recommendation to the Plan Commission and Urban Design Commission that explains the findings of the Commission regarding the affect of the proposed development adjacent to

D. Make a recommendation to the Plan Commission regarding the historic value of the properties proposed for demolition [MGO 28.12(12)(d)].

Staff does not oppose the demolition and related new construction as shown in the submission documents.

Staff believes that the Fairchild Building has historic value and is structurally sound and therefore recommends that it not be demolished. As stated earlier in this report, the Schubert Building is a designated landmark and Staff does not believe that it meets the demolition criteria and therefore recommends that it not be demolished.

The Preservation Planner will prepare a report for the Plan Commission that will contain the information above. The Landmarks Commission is invited make a recommendation to the Plan Commission that explains the findings of the
Commission regarding the historic value of the buildings affected by the proposed development.


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