County Week Ahead

My best guesses about what might be important in an information vacuum. I think this is part of why they don’t get covered, their jargon and lack of attachments makes it hard to follow.

Jan 30 5:30 PM Personnel & Finance Committee Rm. 351 CCB
– Interoperable Radio System
– Bargaining Unit discussion – closed session

Jan 30 5:30 PM Lakes & Watershed Commission Rm. 354 CCB
– Executive Committee
– Lake Mendota Water Levels – CRANES
– Develop recommendation on 2012 Commission priorities and subcommittee structure

Jan 30 5:45 PM Youth Commission 2059 Atwood Avenue
– Youth for Youth Subcommittee – reviewing proposals

Jan 30 6:00 PM Food Council, Dane County 1 Fen Oak Court
– Reports
•Food is a Human Right resolution
• Food Summit
– Anderson and Silverwood Farm update

Jan 31 8:30 AM Employee-Management Insurance Advisory 3113 W. Beltline Highway
– Insurance Proposals for Vision Insurance; Long-Term Care Insurance and Disability Insurance
– Deferred compensation RFP responses

Jan 31 5:45 PM Health & Human Needs Committee Rm. 354 CCB
– Routine Contracts and fund transfers

Jan 31 5:45 PM Public Protection & Judiciary Committee Rm. 357 CCB
– Routine Contracts and fund transfers
– Future joint meeting with Health and Human Needs on Detox Center

Jan 31 6:00 PM Health & Human Needs Committee Rm. 354 CCB
– Drop in Mental Health Center

Feb 1 11:00 AM Public Safety Communications Center Board Rm. 109 CCB
– Police Dispatch subcommittee
– QUI Report (no clue what that stands for)

Feb 1 4:00 PM Area Agency on Aging Board 2306 S. Park Street
– Reports
– Nutrition/Wellness Committee Recommendations:
a. Review/Discuss Caterer Consolidated Food Service for Improvement —through Vendor Purchasing and Food Quality
b. Review Public Relations – Explore Program Availability and Affordability of Senior Meals

Feb 2 12:00 PM Library Board 1819 Aberg Avenue
– Annual Report to DPI

Feb 2 5:00 PM Human Services Board Rm. 357 CCB
– Routine Contracts
– Youth Commission Presentation
– Task Force on Poverty Report – Education Recommendation

Feb 2 7:00 PM County Board Rm. 201 CCB
– Town of Windsor Comprehensive Plan Updates
– Interoperable Voice Radio Communications System
– Dane County Clear Lakes Initiative


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