This guy just will not stop . . .

Three of them today . . . from the voice of the guy who says he represents the taxpayer . . .

From Wednesday

From: [email removed]
Sent: Wed 11/22/2006 7:11 PM
Subject: When

Happy Thanksgiving to All,
Have you discontinued same sex or any other forms of partner benefits yet?
Taxpayers have spoken. Your agenda’s are of little matter. You will do what we taxpayers deem appropriate.
And by the way. That idiot who tried to contact me by my work email. DON’T DO IT AGAIN. Or I will file a legal action against you. CLEAR?

From Thursday

From: [email removed]
Sent: Thu 11/23/2006 6:17 PM
Subject: Sel ServCould someone tell me why females do not have to sign up for the selective service, but males do. What ever happened to equal rights. I guess, that only matters when it is a positive for females. I earn more because my life risk is higher. Sorry, I could not be more kind, but my panties are still in the wash.

From Today

From: [email removed]
Sent: Mon 11/20/2006 8:07 PM
To: council;;
Subject: Nickels and Dimes – Silver and Gold

Merry Xmas to all. Well not everyone.
The people on fixed incomes in this god forsaken rectum of the universe will have to struggle with 200.00+ more dollars each year. Don’t worry though, they can cut their pills into quarters to make ends meet. The county, city and MMSD all increase taxes to pay for their inefficiency. You people are good, very good. You break the news up over several weeks and months so that the not so bright cannot put the links together. 12 bucks here, 60 bucks there, 45 bucks where ever and waaalaaaa. 200.00 bucks gone to pay for over priced administrators, managers and fluff. Human Services in the county paying out all of our money for illegal pukes, the city giving low cost home loans to the pukes and the MMSD crowding the classrooms with the puke. I don’t mean to pick on the illegal pukes, but it sets the example that you people don’t give one darn rip about your tax paying citizens. The majority of the US legal pop. wants our boarders secure and the illegal’s out. If you want to save the world, start in our own streets. Just go down to the square on a Sunday morning and look at all of the poor people that had to sit out in the rain and cold all night while little illegal Pedro sucked down his cheerios on our dime. Not fair, not fair at all. You people stink. Happy thanksgiving. Maybe you can drop one of those 24 lb birds off with all of the homeless in Madison. hypocrites. And by the way, for the idiots who sent my messages to the media. Thanks. You did not hurt me at all. You made me stronger. We will always be different. I have a long backbone and balls. All you have is a pack of puke that you used to get elected.

Please distribute freely. Drink responsibly and while you drink and eat and f, just remember all of the people that are in the gutters of each and every city in the god forsaken land that we call freedom.


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