Thank you WISC-TV

A quick word of thanks to Neil Heinen and Channel 3 for their nice editorial about the Tenant Resource Center and our current funding issues. Thank you!

Here’s the text of the editorial.



For the last 26 years, the Tenant Resource Center has been an indispensable asset for renters in Madison. It has always been a campus icon, interestingly since a questionable decision by the University of Wisconsin has cut funding for the center.

But over the years, the TRC has grown to be an important voice for all those seeking help, advice and sometimes fairness in finding and keeping housing. And that is a service that we have a responsibility to preserve.

The Tenant Resource Center is now larger, more professional agency. It assists thousands of people and last year alone, helped more than 200 families avoid eviction. Employees and volunteers are smart and passionate.

But the constant battle for adequate funding is wearing thin. TRC has plan for making up the loss of campus funding, but it needs a little help. We ask you to please consider donating time, materials and yes, money, to help keep this vital community asset provide the services it alone is best suited to provide. Give them a call, stop by the Williamson Street office or visit their Web site. The TRC is a resource we can’t afford to lose.


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