What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Items people show up to talk about and . . . see the public hearings and items to be placed on the exclusion list below.

May 1, 2012 Common Council Meeting
Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

Please note that exclusions on this listing may change at the meeting.

Items may be added or taken off the list when the consent agenda is presented.

Agenda Items #6 through #12 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS.

8. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM – Legislative File No. 25696 Public Hearing – New License EDO Garden LLC • dba EDO Garden, 508 State St • Agent: Jing Jiang • Estimated Capacity: 220 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (Report of ALRC – Public Hearing – Ald. Bridget Maniaci, D. 2 – Recommended Action: Re-Refer to ALRC)

The following item is an extra-majority item to be included on the consent agenda with request for unanimous vote
70. Legislative File No. 25769 – Amending Traffic Engineering’s 2012 Operating Budget; appropriating $41,700 from the Contingency Reserve; authorizing the City to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Shorewood Hills and University of Madison (UW) to contract for a sub-area traffic and transportation study of the University Avenue area adjacent to the UW, Shorewood Hills, and greater Regent Neighborhood; and authorizing the City of Madison to issue Requests for Proposals (RFPs); and providing that the Mayor and City Clerk may enter into a contract. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

81. Legislative File No. 25963 – Allocating funds appropriated in the 2012 Operating Budget for prior year encumbrances to match actual carry forward encumbrances in various departmental accounts and increasing the Contingent Reserve by $153,234. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

83. Legislative File No. 25967 – Amending the 2012 Parks Division Capital Budget to provide additional funding for the Olive Jones Park Improvements project. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST
72. Legislative File No. 25819 – Amending Section 3.54(1)(b) of the Madison General Ordinances by deleting the classification of “Police Public Information Specialist” in CG 18, Range 08, and creating the classifications of “Police Public Information Specialist 1” in G18, Range 08, and “Police Public Information Specialist 2” in CG18, Range 10, thereof. (Report of BOE – Ald. Anita Weier, D. 18)

75. Legislative File No. 25822 – Recreate a 1.0 FTE Police Public Information Specialist (CG18-08) position, currently occupied by J. DeSpain (#4021), as a Police Public Information Specialist 2 (CG18-10) within the Police Department budget and reallocate the incumbent to the new position. (Report of BOE – Ald. Anita Weier, D. 18)

78. Legislative File No. 25885 – Accepting a Selection Committee’s recommendation of the Urban Land Interests, LLC proposal for the purchase and redevelopment of City-owned properties in the 800 Block of East Washington Avenue and authorizing the execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Urban Land Interests, LLC for the purchase and redevelopment of these properties. (Report of BOE – Ald. Steve King, D. 7 – Recommended Action: Re-Refer to Plan Commission 5/7/12 and Common Council 5/15/12)

82. Legislative File No. 25966 – Rejecting a Selection Committee’s recommendation of the Urban Land Interests, LLC proposal and The Rifken Group, LTD proposal for the purchase and redevelopment of City-owned properties in the North and South 800 Blocks of East Washington Avenue, authorizing the creation of a Don Miller Land Banked Property Selection Committee and authorizing the execution of a Request For Proposal (“RFP”) for the purchase and redevelopment of these properties. (Report of BOE – Ald. Steve King, D.


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