City Hiring Practices

Here it is.

Based on the number of hits to my blog in the last two days, I suspect people are looking for the hiring resolution I sponsored with Schumacher, Rhodes-Conway, Rummel and hopefully others.
(See Hire Education)

Let me just say, that I seem to have opened a can of worms. I realize that. But given the issues that staff have brought to me, I think its time we look into the concerns they have brought up. The mayor can spin this as some attempt by me to “get even” with him, but I want to make crystal clear, that while I don’t have a very high opinion of the guy, this isn’t about him. This is about valuing our city staff, the public confidence in our city staff, our hiring practices and finding a way to restore some honor to the civil service system. It’s sure to get messy, but its worth it.

p.s. To city staff, I welcome your input but I can’t solve every individual situation, I’m hoping this resolution will help fix the system. However, we need your help to tell us where its broken. 345-8720.


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