My Impressions of the Neighborhood Meeting on a Day Center (Updated!)

It wasn’t one of a neighborhood up in arms about all kinds of NIMBY issues – they just wanted what most of us want – information and to be treated with respect. And based on their vote at the end of the meeting . . . I think many are comfortable with this happening in the neighborhood – but think it is not the best option. And they learned of another option. At this point, I wouldn’t say there is consensus and there are still some with concerns, but I think that many are more comfortable with it than they were before the meeting. Not that there won’t be a lot of people at that plan commission meeting!

I’m annoyed this morning by channel 3 coverage – its like all wrong!

So, I have tons of notes, but it mostly boils down to this.

1. The neighbors were pissed they didn’t know about this before it happened. As were the elected officials. And no one from the county executive’s office was there to explain – leaving it to Lynn Green who handled it the best she could. They asked lots of questions and got lots of clarifications. It will only be open weekdays, about 8 – 5 and there will be buses that run in the morning and evening to take people back downtown and bus tickets during the day. Police are assessing how this will add to their workload

2. Steve School from Porchlight fell on his sword and admitted he didn’t think about doing this earlier and the last minute nature of this was his fault. He explained there just wasn’t money to do something like this.

3. The county is still looking for other options. If anyone has ideas, let them know. One of the places they are looking at is the old Lussier Teen Center on E. Washington, which is right next to Project Respect Rainbow Projectwhich works with kids who have dealt with trauma in their lives.

4. Lynn Green says this location is not ideal. Not because of the issues the neighbors are concerned about. She says she was a child protective services worker and she would not do this if she didn’t think kids would not be safe. Her concerns are about the homeless – this is a bad location for them, the location is not ideal.

5. When will it open? Not til December at the earliest.

6. Plan Commission is the only one that will vote on this, this doesn’t go to the council (unless appealed).

7. At the end of the meeting, Larry Palm asked if he should waive the 30 day notice so that they could get to the plan commission on December 3 instead of December 17 and the people there overwhelmingly voted to let him do it. Only three people raised their hands and said that they wanted the hearing on December 17th. People explained that they didn’t want people to freeze and if it is going to be there it might as well be there 2 weeks longer to help out the people there. They even said things like they thought people from the neighborhood would volunteer there and help knit mittens for those who needed them.

8. But they were all hoping the other site would work out.

Larry Palm will waive 30 day notice if . . .

Morning Everyone-

Last night there was a quite engaging meeting attended by about 50 people. I appreciate Alder Rhodes-Conway, Supervisors Hendricks and Rusk (and others) being there in addition to Lynne Green, Steve Schooler, Sally Miley, Captain McLay, Matthew Tucker and Heather Stouder participating.

As you might know, it was reveled that the 800 E Washington site was also being looked at, and it will come as no surprise that the residents are supportive of that site.

A majority of the residents support waiving the 30 day notification. I will agree to the waiver as long as the County supports reimbursement of the city’s cost to mail Public Hearing post cards to the area previously defined by Alders Rhodes-Conway and myself for this meeting instead of the usual 200 feet. This would allow, if the application is complete, a Plan Commission public hearing on December 3 instead of December 17. Obviously if an application is not submitted or withdrawn this would be moot.

This also gives residents some certainty about which day to show up, since they know now and can schedule their calendar around this date.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.


Good Larry! Thank you!!!!!


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