Snow: Pictures speak better than words.

You tired of the snow? I am. Or more accurately, I’m tired of the complaints about the snow. Some of the complaints are certainly legit and there seems to be plenty of blame to go around. Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words, so yesterday, I took a few in my district in about 15 – 20 minutes. Highlights include a (Mullins/vacant) building that collapsed:

People parked on a street during a snow emergency (alt. side parking) right next to the the parking ramp where they could have parked for free. Were they too lazy? Or did they just not know? Or did they just fall asleep before 1:00? Additionally, these pictures are taken on a street where you can only park on one side. There are two cars under that snow pile.

This is the clean up efforts that were going on at N Hancock and N Franklin to make the streets passable due to the parked cars and the snow and lack of moving cars and resulting lack of plowing.

I found areas where cars were moved, but it was not plowed.

Areas where the trash cans prevented the streets from being plowed.

Some creative trash can placement.

And, some dangerous snow piles preventing drivers from seeing if there are cars coming at them.

All in all, while the streets are better, there is still work to be done. And, if a car has been in the same place for 13 days . . . we should be able to do something about it.


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