No Worries, There’s Plenty of Children’s Programming for the Summer!

Says the police department. ?! Chalk this up as one of the odder things I’ve seen.

North District Blotter
Worrying About the Kids?

May 29, 2013 3:08 PM

With school set to dismiss for the summer, it’s natural to worry about keeping our kids productively engaged over the summer months. Fortunately, there is no lack of opportunities on the Northside. In addition to local programming at Vera Court, Kennedy Heights and the Packers/Northport Neighborhood Centers, programming is available at Warner Park and throughout the City. Warner Park summer programming is scheduled through Madison School and Community Recreation. There is still time to sign up for great summer events including soccer, tennis, swimming, basketball and boat rides. One of the neatest MSCR events for 7th through 9th graders is FREE! Check event # 42682 for the Devin Harris basketball camp. The link is here…

For other opportunities at Warner Park, the link is here…
If you know of other summer opportunities for kids, especially no or low cost, please contact me. My link is here…

With hopes for a safe and happy summer,

PO David J Dexheimer

Perhaps I just find it odd because of the budgeting disparity between the $60M+ that the police department gets and the funding for kids programming the city does, which is in the hundreds of thousands – not millions.

Or perhaps I find it odd because it shows a lack of understanding of costs and logistics that make these things hard to participate in.

I don’t know, but it sure is an odd thing to see from the police department.

One thing I do know, I don’t think people would say “there is no lack of opportunities”. But I guess that depends upon your perspective – low income parents probably would have a different opinion.


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