Lakeview Nurses Dorm Needs County Board Approval to be Demolished!

Not so fast! Parks and Human Services staff will not be able to proceed with their plans to demolish the Lakeview Nurses Dorm without County Board approval.

You may remember that recently the staff held a meeting to announce that County Executive Joe Parisi had made the decision to tear down the building. Much to the surprise of some. Not so much of a surprise to those who have struggled to have the staff listen to the public.

August 6, 2013

TO: Travis Myren, Director Department of Administration
FROM: Supervisor John Hendrick, Chair Dane County Board of Supervisors

SUBJECT: Designation of Contract for Nurses Dorm Demolition as Major Contract

Because of the public interest and pursuant to DCO 25.20, I am designating the contract for demolition of the nurses dorm to be a major contract. I understand this work has not yet been bid so anticipate the contract will come before the County Board for consideration later this fall.

I appreciate you attention to this matter.

CC: Lynn Green, Director, Dane County Department of Human Services
Jerry Mandli, Director, Department of Public Works
Josh Wescott, Chief of Staff, Dane County Executive’s Office
Chuck Hicklin, County Controller
Members of the Dane County Board of Supervisors

Good for John Hendrick for allowing the public to have some input into this decision – both by having a public process and by letting our elected officials decide instead of the staff making an administrative decision!


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