Worst House In Madison Contest Returns

Below is a message from the Student Tenant Union, it includes information on Tenant Education Week as well as the Worst House in Madison Contest:

Hey UW students,

Do you think you have the worst landlord in Madison? Does your roof leak?
Has nothing been replaced in your apartment since before you were born?
Does it feel like you live in a third world slum? Lead paint peeling of
the walls? You name it…we want to hear about!

What you have to do to win: Submit a narrative description as well as
pictures or video that explain why you think your landlord is the worst in
Madison. Submit entries either by emailing Student Tenant Union directly
at <stuuwmad@gmail.com> or by going to our website at

Why would you want to do this: You and every other student on this campus
deserve more than a crappy apartment…and you certainly pay for way more
than you get. Let’s show Madison landlords thart it is time for them to
clean up their act. And it will be fun!

What you get if you win: Most importantly, you’ll have the joy of
publicly humiliating your landlord. Student Tenant Union will hold a
press conference outside the house or building of the winning entry. When
bad landlords are exposed, student renters take note (for an example from
2002 when ASM ran the Worst House in Madison Contest, visit
Secondly, Student Tenant Union will document the problems with the
apartment, and call the Madison Building Inspector on behalf of the
winning tenants. In acknowledgment of a full year spent living in
horrible conditions, the winning entry will also receive some small prizes
including 4 gift certificates to Hawk’s Bar & Grill.

What do you get if you don’t win: All entries will receive a response from
Student Tenant Union volunteers that outlines the parts of tenant/landlord
law that apply to their situation. Additionally, all entries will be
saved in our database, and can be viewed by future prospective tenants who
want to know about past problems people have had with a certain landlord.

Questions about the contest? contact Student Tenant Union at
<stuuwmad@gmail.com> or call Jason Wargolet at 414-840-5595.

What can you do about your crappy living situation?

Come to Tenant Education Week sponsored by the Student Tenant Union,
UW-Madison and Students for Social Welfare. All week we’ll have housing
counselors on hand to help you with your questions and concerns and to
help you prepare for moving into your next apartment. We’ll also hold
Renters’ Rights Presentations at both Memorial Union and Union South.
This is a great opportunity to learn about your rights and get involved.

Housing Counseling: Direct assistance on problems you’re having with your
Monday–Memorial Union, 10-2
Tuesday–Union South, 9-1
Wednesday–Union South, 10-2
Thursday–Memorial Union, 12-4

Renters’ Rights Presentations: Learn what you need to know about topics
such as tenant protections, moving into your new apartment, how to
document problems, what to do about repairs, or what can and cannot be
deducted from your security deposit.
Tuesday, April 22nd, 7PM-8:30, Memorial Union TITU
Thursday, April 24th, 6PM-7:30, Union South TITU

Questions about Tenant Education Week? Want to find out how to help/get
more involved?

Join our face book group: search for “Student Tenant Union”


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