Dept. Operating Budget Submissions: Muni Court, Assessor, Finance, IT, HR, Monona Terrace

More department requests!

The process is first the departments submit budget requests. The Tuesday in Sept the Mayor will have his capital (projects) budget done, the first Tuesday in October the Mayor will have his operating (daily costs to run the city) done. The Board of Estimate then will make changes to the budget and it will, in November, make it to the Common Council to vote. The calendar for the operating budget is here. The calendar for the capital budget is here. The Mayor’s instructions to the department on the operating budget asked them to

As you work with the Finance Department to prepare your agency budget requests, overall funding should not exceed 2013 amounts, except to fully fund already enacted commitments and certain cost-to-continue items. You should also prepare an alternate budget that includes specific proposals to reduce your requested budget by 3%.

with these stated priorities

I hope that we will be able to maintain essential city services next year as well as address issues relating to poverty in Madison. Boosting employment and stabilizing neighborhoods are key elements in strengthening our community, which will help our city budget in the long run.

Now that the departments have submitted their budgets, we have something to work with and people will be lobbying the mayor to get their items into his budget – so that is the target if you see something you like or don’t like! or 266-4511. The lobbyist are getting paid a lot to get what they want, mere citizens are largely not a part of the process at this point, unless YOU do something about it! Each step along the way means there are less and less changes left to be made as they approach the levy limits imposed by the state restricting how much they can spend. Next year, lobby your department heads! 🙂 And, your alders can (may not) have this information now, so you can start in on them as well! (


Documents submitted
Main Budget Proposal
Supplemental request
This request is to apply $250,000 in reserves to the 2014 revenue to cover being closed for one month due to renovations.
Reduction storage
$27,000 – Off-site storage is needed for the outdoor furniture proposed to serve Madison’s placemaking initiatives, eliminating this expense
Reduction advertising
Reduction in advertising expense of $18,000
Increase reserves
Increase use of applied reserves by $44,750

Budget Highlights
1. Use of contingent reserves of $250,000 to make up for lost revenue from closing for renovation in January 2014.
2. New joint venture with Library for off-site storage for $27,000.
3. Reappropriation of 1.0 FTE from existing position (Gift Shop Manager) to Graphic Artist/Web Design position.


Documents submitted
Main Budget Document
Reduction[1] – Reduce funding for Intermedix Collections (Ambulance)
Reduce funding for Intermedix Collections by $9,000 (3% of last year’s total budget for this item).
Reduction[2] – Eliminate funding for the equivalent of 1.1 FTE positions
In order to meet the 3% targeted reductions for 2014, approximately 1.1 FTE positions would need to be left unfunded, resulting in one layoff and a 10% reduction in hours for a second position. Elimination of funding for these positions will directly impact the services provided both to the public and to City agencies.

Budget Highlights
1. Continuation of services/programs at 2013 levels. The 2014 budget as requested is $17,188 under this year’s target. This was achieved by reducing the amount allocated for billings from Intermedix (ambulance collection and administration services) by $25,000 to more accurately reflect anticipated collection expenses. as well as minor reductions in various line items. However, these amounts are offset by a projected increase in actuarial expenses of $10,000 over 2013 for a total savings of $17,188.


Documents submitted
Main Budget Document
2014 IT Suplemental Request No 1 MIS 3 for Tech Servs

2014 IT Supplemental Request No 2 Civic Engagement

2014 IT Reduction No 1 MMB Computer Training Rooms
$11,809 – This is a request to continue funding for the space used in the Madison Municipal Building for computer related training. This space is used to provide training to city staff on Microsoft Office suite products (Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint) as well as other products and classes. Other city agencies also use this space for a variety of needs. If this funding is not continued, alternate training facilities would need to be identified
2014 IT
Reduction No 2 Villager Computer Training Center

$17,585 – This is a request to continue funding for the space used at the Villager Mall for computer related training. This space is used to provide training to city staff on a wide variety of software and systems. City departments also use this facility to train staff how to use new application software. If this funding is not continued, alternate training facilities would need to be identified.
2014 IT REduction No 3 WENS Text Alert Service
$18,000 – This is a request to continue funding for 2014 Maintenance for WENS. This is the service that provides for text message alerts sent by the Streets Division for snow emergencies, Metro Transit for changes or delays in bus routes, Engineering for road construction updates, Goodman Pool for alerts concerning their operations, and other city alerts. There are nearly 19,000 subscriptions to this service. Not paying the annual fee will mean ending the text messaging service.
2014 IT Reduction No 4 Informacast
$8,800 – This request is for continuing funding for the Informacast emergency paging system. This funding pays for licensing fees. This product provides for the ability for the city to broadcast emergency notifications over the IP phone system.
2014 IT Reduction No 5 MediaSite
$17.900 – This is a request to continue funding for 2014 Maintenance for MediaSite. This is the software and equipment that is used for the video library on the website, including meetings covered by City Channel. This also provides for the live streaming of covered events. Not paying the maintenance costs will prevent us from receiving patches, fixes, and upgrades to the software and hardware and prevent us from obtaining technical support services when needed
2014 IT Reduction No 6 TeleStaff Maintenance
$45,000 – This is a request to continue funding for 2014 Maintenance for TeleStaff for Public Works Agencies. This software is used for scheduling staff on a variety of work shifts, labor agreements and call-in provisions. The resulting information then feeds into payroll. Lack of software maintenance will prevent us from receiving patches, fixes, and upgrades to the software and prevent us from obtaining technical support services when needed.
2014 IT Reduction No 7 Email Archive
$45,200 – This is a request to continue funding for maintenance costs for our enterprise e-mail archive retrieval software. This software provides the ability for city staff to extract specific e-mail records from our e-mail archive in the event of an open records request or investigation. This service would not be possible if this funding is eliminated.

Budget Highlights
1. Funding for the continuation of existing services.
2. One additional MIS-3 position starting 4/1/2014.
3. Consolidation of the City Channel budget (Service 4000) into the Technical Services Division (Service 3000).


Documents submitted
Main Budget Document
Budget Reduction Proposal – 1
$64,100 – This proposal eliminates one of two Administrative Clerk 1 positions.
Budget Reduction Proposal – 2
$5,570 – This proposal eliminates funding for the Hourly Administrative Clerk 1 position

Budget Highlights
This Budget includes a request that is within the base target amount of $2,324,559


Documents submitted
Main Budget Document
Wellness Program 1
$131,070 – Establish a City of Madison Wellness Program to create and promote initiatives designed to improve overall health by discouraging unhealthy behaviors and promoting healthier lifestyles. This request identifies the need for the reclass of one supervisory position and for one additional professional staff position in the City’s EAP Unit within the Human Resources Department, as well as additional operating expenses need to cover the start-up costs as well as the on-going operating expenses..
EAP would be retitled: Employee Health and Wellness
Restore Salary-Benefits
$21,792 – Restore Salaries and Benefits for Unidentified Position
Drug Testing
$20,080 – Restore Drug Testing Monies that were eliminated to meet 2014 Budget target and established as a Dollar-for-Dollar charge back directly to Departments
2014 3% Reduction 1
$50,698 – Human Resources, if needed, will decrease it’s Salaries and Benefits, resulting in elimination of a current filled position to be identified

Budget Highlights
1. Reduction of Salary/Benefits of an Unidentified Position to meet target.


Documents submitted
Main Budget Document

Budget Highlights
No budget Highlights


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