Big Brother is Watching you . . .

Police install almost 40 new cameras downtown in 2013 . . . $100,000 pays for cameras that cost $1200 – 2400 per camera and then storage sufficient to keep video for two weeks. I wonder if they are following all the policies required for using videos . . . first here’s the list.

Central Camera Working List 9/6/2013
King/Doty – Done
E. Wash/Webster – Done
Johnson/Bassett – done
W. Wash/Regent – Done
W. Wash Bedford – Done
W. Wash/Fairchild – Done
Regent/Mills – Done
Regent/Randall – done
Regent/Monroe – done
Regent/Breese – done

Library Mall – Pending reconstruction
State/Dayton/Fairchild – In Progress
State/Dayton – In Progress
Fairchild/Mifflin – In Progress
Carroll/State/Mifflin (second) – In progress
Carroll Mid Block – Alley – In progress
Mifflin Mid Block – Alley – In progress

Still to be installed.
400 Lake
400 N Francis
500 University Ave.
Gorham/James Madison
W. Wash/Broom
W. Wash/Basset
E. Wash/Blair

Here’s where the cameras were in 2008.

Here’s the policy:

Electronic Image Recording Guidelines
Video Surveillance by City agencies potentially implicates individual privacy rights. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures. Article 1, Section 11 of the Wisconsin Constitution provides similar protections. Video surveillance will not implicate privacy rights if it is conducted in a forum in which an individual has no reasonable expectation of privacy. Determination of whether an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy is a two-prong test: (1) A subjective expectation of privacy must be held by the individual; and (2) this privacy interest must be objectively recognized by society. Any agency with questions regarding the implementation and/or use of video surveillance and/or digital image recording should contact the Madison City Attorney’s Office prior to implementation.

Any City agency that has video cameras or any type of electronic image recording in use must have a written policy regarding usage on file with the Madison City Clerk. The policy must be on file and available to the public for review with the City Clerk within 30 days of implementation of the video camera/electronic image recording system.

Video camera/electronic image recording use policies should include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. A statement regarding the agency’s objective behind video surveillance and the scope of surveillance given the stated objective.
2. The manner in which individuals will be notified that video cameras are in use and they may be recorded. Such notification will not be required in cases where video surveillance is used pursuant to an investigation of law violations.
3. Placement of cameras and whether they will be permanently located.
4. Whether, and under what circumstances, portable cameras will be used.
5. Guidelines regarding retention and storage of videotapes/digital image recordings.
6. Guidelines regarding use and viewing of videotapes/digital image recordings.
7. Staff training regarding the use, retention and storage of video surveillance/digital image recordings.
8. Identification of individuals authorized to operate the video surveillance system.
9. Identification of the custodian of video surveillance tapes/records.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that agencies which use video cameras should file their policies with the City Clerk’s Office by October 15, 2008.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, prior to purchasing new security cameras, policies should be reviewed by the Information Technology Department.


  1. Well, at least we know about it, it’s not like my situation where neighbors violate my privacy to supposedly find out who told me what when the FBI always lets me know. So neighbors (you know the ones with the liberal bumper stickers: Tammy Baldwin, Russ Feingold, Jerry Garcia and the Grateful dead, and let’s UNION Cab) violate my privacy and put my neighbors in my building under a microscope. Why? Oh, because I stood up to homophobia at Marquette. I like Blaska cuz he’s out there with what he believes, not that I believe he believes but these poser liberals are harassing people in my building. And may I say they told me nothing. I already had affidavits signed that they told me nothing. At least we know about downtown. Maybe the neighbors who wanted me to stalk them the other night will try to get me on a camera downtown laughing at their mediocrity.


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