Bus Wraps: Meeting tonight!

So, the bus wrap pilot project may be ended and permanently continued and expanded. Thanks to Alder Rhodes-Conway for this update below:

Metro is proposing to end the pilot program on bus wraps and institute a policy of allowing 20 fully wrapped buses and an unlimited number of partially wrapped buses. The partial wraps could include wrapping the driver’s side entirely and having nothing on the other side; wrapping the middle of the bus all the way around and leaving unwrapped windows on the front and back; wrapping the bottom of the bus and having parts of the wrap design extend up into the windows; and wrapping the bottom of the bus but not the windows. Full details of the proposal, information about the half-finished pilot program and links to petitions and surveys about bus wraps can be found here.

The Board of Estimates will be discussing this idea at our Monday June 9 meeting, which starts at 4:30pm in CCB 310. Unless we refer the matter, I expect it will be at the June 17th Common Council meeting. If you have an opinion about wrapped buses and what the City policy should be, I encourage you to contact the Council at allalders@cityofmadison.com and let us know what you think.

While the wraps remain wildly unpopular with riders and provide a comparatively tiny source of income in the $40+ million dollar budget – apparently, there are a few tone deaf politicians who insist on moving forward with this program. They need help with their listening skills and need to hear from you today!


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