Wiily Wash What?

I don’t really get it . . . what is it? Sounds like a bunch of buzz words mashed together. What is the goal? Realistically what are they trying to make happen. Too vague for me. Sounds like a bunch of fancy words that will help with further gentrification of the area (if that is possible). But who knows. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to this. I can’t be, I don’t really get it.

Willy Wash: A Musical Yahara
“Where earth and tech connect”

Willy Wash is a place. Willy Wash: A Musical Yahara is a vision. The vision imagines Madison’s future using food, art, music and the natural environment (FAME) as elements in a creative economy that benefits everyone – especially youth. Willy Wash the place is a vibrant urban setting of 300 acres bounded by the Capitol and shores of the Yahara River and Lakes Mendota and Monona, supported by cutting-edge technology and architecture.

Willy Wash is a Gateway to the city — a distinctive place of artistic merit, architectural distinction, creative energy and economic vitality. Willy Wash respects the history of the area as the city’s manufacturing, cultural, entertainment and residential hub.

Willy Wash is a “back to the future” moment on the 125th anniversary of Madison’s monumental Parks and Pleasure Drive Association. Willy Wash: A Musical Yahara completes John Nolen’s grand vision of a world city built on its natural attributes, civic capacity and intellectual acumen.

Madison: A showroom, classroom and meeting point for the creative economy.
Madison: A place that does well by doing good, especially for youth.
Madison: A go-to-place for can-do people.


Envisioning FAME

Willy Wash envisions food for healthy living, cultural expression, community conversation, home-grown entrepreneurship, dining distinctiveness, city branding and rewarding careers.

Willy Wash envisions art for memorable architecture, honored history, public expression, challenging ideas, inspiring performance, personal fulfillment, multi-cultural richness, social good and youthful purpose.

Willy Wash envisions music for social good, educational effectiveness, cultural bridge-building, entrepreneurial inspiration, commercial value, science-math learning and personal fulfillment.

Willy Wash envisions a natural environment for usable water, inviting shorelines, public access, a leafy canopy above, green infrastructure underfoot, restored brownfields, enjoyable backyards, enlightened mobility and quality of life.


  1. “Realistically what are they trying to make happen?” I just talked to Roy Elkins (one of the progenitors of this concept). In a nutshell, this is about creating a place in Madison like 6th street in Austin Tx – that can attract tech talent and grow the number of tech businesses located in near-downtown Madison. I am going to check more into them and post a more detailed blog post here!


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