Another Day Center Delay . . . Martin St. location dead?

Important meeting rescheduled.

Yeah, the 28th was when the Board of Adjustments was supposed to meet to hear the Town of Madison’s appeal of the County Zoning Administrator’s decision that the zoning for 1490 Martin Street was appropriate for the day center. The Town argues that the zoning is changed because the property will be owned by a municipality and so there needs to be a zoning change. The meeting to hear their appeal has been moved to September 11th. Probably doesn’t natter much because the Town has said that they will appeal to circuit court if the lose and if they win the zoning process will take months to complete. Despite representations by Lynn Green to the contrary, I don’t see how they can possibly open this winter. Green suggests that they can open and run like Porchlight does now, which is just silly as it is a failed model in a failed location withour enough space if people can get there.

Anyways, everything is on hold until September 11th. Another delay in making a decision that is 4 years running now . . .


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