I couldn’t blog this morning . . .

What was on my schedule to blog was all the gross stuff the mayor has been saying . . . and I just didn’t want to listen to it again, its just so gross, he has no respect for people or their confidentiality and he’s so WRONG on so many facts . . . . I have to write that blog, I just don’t want to put myself through it. Instead, let me tell you about somethings that are going remarkably great!!!

A couple that I have known since July 2012 got into housing! Chronically homeless for many years, him longer than her. Chronic substance abuse issues, mental health issues, criminal history, bad housing history, the whole works! They are in housing!!!!! (Partnered with a case manager that took the case even though they didn’t technically meet the criteria)

Another friend of mine, who has a job, works as hard as he can despite many chronic illnesses and being a cancer survivor, gets into housing in 3 weeks and his rent will be $163!!! We got him extensions to stay in shelter until then (his days ran out last April) and he will finally be in housing!!! TRC helped fill out the applications and the rental agent went out of her way to make it work when he didn’t quite fit the criteria. Got help when we advocated for a different case manager who went out of his way to assist in the final stretch.

Just heard the news today, another person that has been really struggling and after multiple attempts got assessed and is now in housing!

Two families that I have known for years are also now in housing. Another one is close.

Last night, I got a VI-SPDAT on a veteran that essentially has a voucher whenever he decides he’s ready to go into housing – I know what the resistance is and I’m personally going to work on this one next!

Zero 2016, Housing First, VI-SPDATs: they aren’t just buzzwords or fads or freaky “words” . . . its getting chronically homeless people, with complex lives, off the streets!!

Yes, the mayor is a jackass. The police are hit and miss. There are non-profit agencies who don’t believe in Housing First and are not skilled in harm reduction and trauma informed care. And the cruelty and animosity shown towards people on the streets is escalating. I’ll talk about that tomorrow, but for today . . . I want to stick with the plan, work on getting a day center (it won’t be open by this winter with the county dragging its feet), this stupid ordinance is unconstitutional and won’t pass the council, continue working towards budget goals of getting highly skilled well paid social workers with medical back up on the streets. Focus on getting a truly coordinated intake system. A Homeless Services Consrotium that actually functions the way it should (as required by HUD). A new men’s shelter! (with adequate heating and cooling and water without lead that is handicap accessible!). A wet shelter. Affordable Housing. I could go on, we know the solutions, we have nearly 20 reports and resolutions with over 200 recommendations. We just have to do it. We don’t need to waste our time on silly ordinances that won’t pass (well, a few people have to show up and say something . . . ). We need to stick with the plan, its working!!! And we just need to keep converting more people to be true believers. Zero 2016! Housing First! VI-SPDATs. Say it with me!!! It works. It works all over the country. It can, and is starting to work here!


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