Agenda came out yesterday. Yeah, 2.5 days notice . . . you know how I feel about things like that. These bodies make it near impossible for them to get media coverage or to have public engagement.
I wouldn’t have known about this if TJ Mertz didn’t tell me, and I certainly would NOT have seen the late notice because I wouldn’t have looked. And I most certainly won’t be getting up to be somewhere by 8am on a Saturday . . .
Board of Education Retreat
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Location: Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Drive, Room 501
8 a.m.
Agenda is:
– Strategic Framework Goals and 2016-2017 Budget Development
– Deep Dive: Review Strategic Framework Goals and 2016-17 Budget Development
- Board Retreat 2.6.2016_v4 (1).pdf (1,174 KB)
- PriorityActions1.28.16rev.pdf (513 KB)
- Priority Spreadsheet 1.28.16rev.pdf (88 KB)
- BEP1Pager1.28.16.pdf (69 KB)
- Pathways 1 pager 1.28.16.pdf (319 KB)
- TechPlanOnepager 1.28.16.pdf (120 KB)
- Equity 120815 (2).pdf (150 KB)
– Closed Session–Formative Feedback on Superintendent Performance, pursuant to Wis. Stat. Sec. 19.85(1)(c)
– Open Session: Board reflection
– Adjourn
According to TJ, the two most important documents are the Equity spreadsheet and the priority actions in the second item. Good thing he knows these things, I know very few who do . . . thanks TJ!!!