Tenant Resource Center is hiring! Lead Case Manager/Program Director. Resume and cover letter due noon on Thursday, June 2nd.
Lead Case Manager/Program Director
Position status: Salaried, full time. Some evening and weekend work required, flexible schedule possible. This is a 1 year grant funded position.
Salary: $34,320
Benefits: 1st two years – earn 1.5 days paid days off per month; paid holidays; health, dental and vision insurance
After two years – earn 2 days paid days off per month
Position responsibilities:
- Approximately 30% of the position is to oversee the Rapid-Rehousing program , including participating in housing placement meetings, advising staff working directly with clients, ensuring paperwork is completed, entering information in the Service Point (HMIS) system, reporting for contract compliance and ensuring all funder requirements have been met.
- Approximately 30% of the position is providing case management for a small client case load working with persons considered to be “chronically homeless” by HUD with an emphasis on transgender homeless persons. Assistance includes apply for housing, assisting with mainstream benefits and meeting basic needs and monthly case management to assist in maintaining housing.
- Approximately 30% of the position would be assisting with program management and reporting, including any of the following:
- Housing counseling program: volunteer recruitment, training, management and retention.
- Mediation program: HMIS (Service Point) entries and reporting.
- Eviction Clinic: Reporting and program development and improvement.
- Coordinate outreach activities including group presentations and summer tabling.
- Assist in obtaining feedback from the public on services. Identify needs for new projects and assist in developing and implementing those programs as well as assisting with grant writing.
- Assist in writing and editing written materials for tenants landlords and housing professionals.
- Approximately 10% of the position is Housing Resource Specialist responsibilities including
- Providing information and answering questions about housing rights and responsibilities to tenant and landlord clients and human services agencies.
- Providing information and referrals to persons seeking to maintain and/or find housing in the City of Madison, including private landlords and affordable and low-income housing programs.
- Taking applications for our security deposit loan fund.
- Presenting to groups of tenants, landlords, and housing professionals on housing laws and legislative changes.
- Other duties as assigned by the Executive Director.
Skills and Qualifications:
- Degree in social work or human services-related degree and 2 years experience working in the field and a familiarity with housing first, harm reduction, trauma informed care, progressive engagement, non-violent communication and motivational interviewing principles.
- History of positive working relationships with people of diverse racial/ethnic, socio-economic and educational backgrounds.
- Good organizational skills and ability to work independently with close attention to details.
- Creative problem-solving skills including ability to respond creatively to crisis situations.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills.
- Commitment to small non-profit.
- Ability to be trained as a housing counselor in local, state and federal housing laws, consumer protection laws and small claims court procedures.
- The following skills are preferred but not mandatory
- Supervisory experience
- Bi-lingual in Spanish, Hmoob or ASL
- Knowledge of local homeless services
To Apply:
Please send a copy of your resume and cover letter to the Tenant Resource Center by noon on Thursday, June 2, 2016. Resumes and cover letters can be sent electronically to office@tenantresourcecenter.org, or mailed or hand delivered to 1202 Williamson St, Suite 102, Madison, WI 53703.