Ya, kinda don’t. Conner will explain . . . but if you are interested in this type of housing in the future, there is something you must do to get considered. But then, don’t wait, keep looking for housing! The list is loooooooong.
Hey All,
I have been receiving numerous calls regarding how to apply for Rethke Terrace, and I was hoping to enlist all you wonderful people in helping me to disseminate that information. Unlike a traditional apartment complex, Rethke Terrace does not have applications available to the general public. Per the contract with the city, we are mandated to pull from the PSH prioritization list. For clients or other individuals you may be advocating for, they will need to complete a VI-SPDAT housing questionnaire to be placed on the PSH prioritization list. It is important that the individual understand two things:
1. The PSH prioritization list is currently be prioritized based on consecutive months of experienced homelessness with homelessness defined as literally being on the streets or in shelters. If the individual has a complicated history of homelessness or lesser length of experienced homelessness, please still encourage them to do the VISPDAT. While they might not be a candidate for Rethke, there are other housing opportunities available that draw from different parts of the PSH list.
2. I like to emphasize that this is NOT a traditional waitlist. There is no definite estimate of time that someone can be given of when they will be contacted for housing because the list prioritized individuals with greater needs or barriers to housing (…theoretically). I like to tell people that it is a set it and forget it type of list, that thorough outreach to them will be conducted if a housing provider has an opportunity for them, and that this is a Plan B working in the background, that they should keep doing what they are doing to find and secure housing. Most importantly they DO NOT need to call in to check where they are at on the list.
There are really only two reasons to encourage someone to check the list and they both regard accuracy of information given:
1. If you or the individual are concerned that they may not have answered questions honestly or there have been new major life developments that would affect their VISPDAT score.
2. If you or the individual are concerned that their consecutive months of experienced homelessness is inaccurately represented on the PSH list.
I really want to help manage expectations out there. I know from the perception on the streets, this seems like some magical cherry picking, and people are excited about the project and the opportunity. So, if a client or individual wants to be considered for Rethke and other housing projects have them follow the following steps:
1. Ask if they have done a VISPDAT housing questionnaire. If they have, then they are set and do not need to do anything further.
2. If they are unsure if they have, anybody with access to WISP can check. If you don’t have access to WISP, call someone you know does and they can check for you.
3. If they have not done a VISPDAT, anyone with access to WISP can conduct a VISPDAT and enter the information on ServicePoint. If you or not unfamiliar with the VISPDAT format or how to conduct it, I would recommend referring the client or individual to one of the following to complete it:
a. Call the Housing Crisis Hotline at 1-855-510-2323.
b. Have the individual visit one of the following locations to conduct the VISPDAT in person
i. Housing Resource Desk (1819 Aberg Ave)
ii. Tenant Resource Center (1202 Williamson St.)
iii. Porchlight Outreach on the 2nd floor of the Central Library.Thanks much!
Conner Wild
Supervisor of Clinical Operations
Heartland Alliance – Heartland Health Outreach
P: 312-859-0703
F: 608-205-4495
Sadly, there are 650+ people on the list for singles, families have their own list, and every week I add one or two more that aren’t on the list already. Also, on Rethke, 29 veterans were chosen for the project first, they had to be veterans who qualified for the VASH voucher, so they got priority.