Take Action for Genele

From Freedom Inc, because no matter how the police explain it . . . this is not what we expect in our community. “Call District Ozanne to demand that there be no charges for Genele and she be released. 608.266.4211” Arraignment may be at 1:30 today . . . rally at 1:00 in front of the Jail.

Join us Thursday June 23rd at 6pm, at Freedom, Inc. (Bayview Community Center) for a community meeting to dialogue on justice for Genele Laird.

Tuesday, June 21st in Madison, WI, a Black teen girl, Genele Laird, was viciously beaten and arrested by two Madison Police outside of a mall. The youth was kneed in her stomach multiple times, punched while being pinned to the ground, tased multiple times and then had a hood forced over her head. Genele, who was severely injured, was then thrown in jail without medical or psychological services, and is now awaiting charges and court. The entire assault was caught on video by witnesses.

We demand justice for Genele!

Police violence against Black communities happen everywhere, and Madison, WI is no exception. No youth should be brutalized by the police—and Black youth are disproportionately impacted. The police act violently with no accountability to our communities, because we have no power or control over the police. In Madison, Black people make up roughly 7% of the population, but make up roughly 45% of the where Black adults (18+) are arrested 11:1 and Black youth (10-17) are arrested at a rate of nearly 10:1.

We demand justice for our communities!

All over the country Black womyn and LGBTQ people are being assaulted and murdered by police forces, and no one is being held accountable. Natasha McKinney, a Black woman with mental wellness challenges, was beat and tazed to death while in jail and the police and state murders who did it were not prosecuted.

We demand an investigation!

Justice for Genele
We demand her immediate release and no charges be filed against her
We demand full and comprehensive medical care including physical and mental wellness—outside of the jail

Community Control
We demand the officers involved be fired and prosecuted
We demand full community control over the police

Independent investigation-
We demand a dual investigation led by the United Nations into

The assault of Genele Laird
The Madison Police Department and racial disparities in general

We demand an expert review of Madison’s Police Department into their policies and practices

Call District Ozanne to demand that there be no charges for Genele and she be released. 608.266.4211


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