Major Announcement In Madison

January 16, 2016, is Martin Luther King day. Many people had the day off and there were events all over the state honoring the late great Dr. King.

In Madison, there was a great annual event at the Capitol, where this year Andrew Young, former Mayor of Atlanta and friend of Dr. King was the headliner.

There was also another “Major” event happening in Madison. It was so big we were prepped ahead of time for this “major announcement”:

Rewind 92.1 Yesterday at 2:43pm ·
Time to set a reminder for 9am. We’ve got a very special announcement you won’t want to miss!

With the bad weather, special events and work, I am sure many people missed the “very special announcement” so let me help enlighten you.

It was such a major announcement that they did not even have it up on their website, their one loyal listener had to send them a message in the afternoon!

Rachael Maves McKenzie
Rachael Maves McKenzie: I can’t get your station at work, what did I miss?
Like · Reply · 6 hrs
Rewind 92.1
Rewind 92.1: Hi Rachel. It’s Mike Foster. We are now your 20 in a row station as of 9:00 this morning.
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs

Yes the major announcement on the new Iheartradio station in Madison, WI was that they are now playing 20 songs in a row.

Ok whats the big deal? Well let’s reframe that into what it really is.

Major Corporate owned radio station, gets rid of local progressive talk radio, in one of the most progressive markets in the country, and then uses Martin Luther King Day to market their new station.

Think about that for a minute.

As Dr. King said once, “I have a dream, that one day when too many people start getting engaged in politics, we will cut off their source and make sure and close it down. I have a dream that one day, people of all colors will be able to hear Kenny Loggins sing “The Danger Zone” as part of twenty in a row and make sure that no one will be able to discuss local events live on the radio waves again!

Personally, I have a dream that people will not ever turn the 92.1 Rewind on their radio station at home or in the car. I also have a dream that everyone will email or call TIM SCOTT & tell him to fix his mistake and if you want to hear “Come on Eileen” you have your Iphone for that. Tell Mr. Scott that if we can have local talk hate radio on in Madison, there is a market for local progressive talk on the radio dial. Contact info: or 608-274-5450

In the meantime, until Tim Scott rights his wrong, here are some options for you:

The Devils Advocates are still here!

You can still catch SLY Here!

Mitch Henck can be heard here!

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Martin Luther King, Jr.


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