You know that odd intersection . . . how can it be better? What do you think of the plans?
Redesigning the Blair/Nolen/Williamson Street Intersection
The Gateway to the Neighborhood
Wed., Sept. 20, 6-8 pm, Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, Jenifer at Brearly
As the city of Madison makes final decisions about the design layout of the Blair/Nolen/Williamson Street intersection, join members of the Marquette Neighborhood Association Traffic Committee for a discussion about what changes our neighborhood should be pushing for.
Tim Anderson of the Madison Design Professionals Workgroup with kick off the meeting with a presentation of his workgroup’s vision for the intersection and an improved Law Park for all to enjoy.
Former Traffic Committee chair Anne Walker will talk about the traffic committee’s long-time priorities for making the intersection safer for pedestrians, bikers, and drivers, followed by an open discussion about how we can work with the city to secure some of the most important changes we want to see.
All are welcome to attend.
Current Plans
Alternative 1 – Revisions Responding to Public Comments
Why is the Channelized Right Turn Remaining?
There are 900 vehicles making a right turn onto Williamson Street in the evening rush hour. Pedestrians and cyclists crossings likely exceed 200 during the evening rush hour. Without a refuge island, these right turn vehicles have the same signal phase as the pedestrian walk phase. This concurrent walk signal and right turn green light increases conflicts between peds/cyclist and right turning vehicles. Delays for both peds/cyclists and right turning vehicles increases. The channelization of the right turns allow the right turn lane to be controlled independently of the through lanes and walk signal. So the 900 vehicles and the 200 pedestrians/cyclist each have a separate signal phase. Pedestrians/cyclist are able to cross Williamson on the through green signal without conflict from right turning vehicles. Pedestrians/cyclist are able to cross John Nolen Drive right turn lane on their own phase.
Blair/Nolen/Williamson Study