Rally Against Nazi Propaganda Defacing The International Brigades Monument

SUNDAY, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM, James Madison Park. More Detail Below:

On Wednesday September 20th, it was discovered that the monument to the International Brigades at James Madison park, installed to honor those who traveled from the United States of America to Spain to fight against Franco and his fascist squads in the Spanish Civil War, was desecrated by hateful symbols of mass genocide. The swastika graffiti was put up only a hundred feet from the Gates of Heaven synagogue – one of the oldest synagogues in the U.S., on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, which is a major holiday.


Stand up and let these Nazis know that the few monuments that the left has in this country will not be attacked without a response. Let them know that we will not back down as our fellow community members are terrorized next to their places of worship and solace.

Madison General Defense Committee of the IWW
International Marxist Tendency Madison
Worker’s World Party Wisconsin
Wisconsin Debate
Socialist Party Of Madison and Dane County
Madison Degenderettes
Madison Socialist Alternative
Fondulac Underclass
White Rose Forum
AFSCME Local 255 WI Childcare Union
International Socialist Organization Madison
Great Lakes Antifa
Madison Democratic Socialists of America
Jewish Voice For Peace/Madison Chapter
Solidarity – A Socialist, Feminist, Anti-Racist Organization


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