Effective June 30th. Common Council will choose and interim alder. You’ll have to stay tuned for details on that process.
From: Baldeh, Samba
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2018 1:29 PM
To: All Alders
Cc: Obeng, Kwasi; Mayor; May, Michael; Allen, Heather; Veldran, Lisa; Fields, Debbie
Subject: Fw: Letter of resignationIt is with great regret that I share this email from Alder DeMarb. Please join me in thanking Alder DeMarb for her extraordinary service to the city but also wish her well on her next undertaking.
We’ll will begin the process of getting an interim replacement for her district.
Thank you.
Alder Samba Baldeh
Council President
MCC – District 17From: DeMarb, Denise
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 11:14 AM
To: Baldeh, Samba; Obeng, Kwasi
Subject: Letter of resignationJune 7, 2018
Council President Samba Baldeh
Council Chief of Staff Kwasi ObengIt has been an honor to serve as Alder for District 16.
On June 30, 2018 I will no longer be a resident of District 16 and with regret, I am required to resign my position. I will continue to work as District Alder until June 30, 2018. It is my hope that you, along with others serving on the Executive Committee, will act swiftly to select an interim Alder. That action will allow my constituents to have a representative as soon as possible, providing the least interruption.
I am grateful the folks of my District put their faith in me and elected me to serve them. Serving as District Alder has been a wonderful experience. My personal goals for serving as Alder was to be an advocate for my district and its residents and to work on initiatives of racial equity, environmental sustainability and fiscal awareness. My hope was to help shape a City for my grandchildren’s grandchildren, a City of tomorrow. In collaboration with amazing City staff, members of the Common Council and others, I was able to accomplish some of the work I set out to do. Of course one rarely feels their work is complete, I am hopeful that my work is sustainable, and reaches its intended goal.
Thank you for your support, I wish you all the best.
Denise DeMarb
Alder District 16