Another City Council Alder Resigns

Another vacancy starting August 8th, no election. Will be appointed by the council.

From: “Clear, Mark”
Date: June 27, 2018 at 1:57:53 PM CDT
Subject: Resignation from the council

Dear Colleagues,

With sadness, I want to let you know that I have just submitted to Council leadership my resignation as District 19 Alder. I will continue to serve until the Council appoints a successor or August 8, whichever comes first.

The immediate cause of my resignation is my acceptance of a new job that will require my full attention, leaving insufficient time to effectively serve the city. Starting Monday, I will be the COO of 360 Networks, a company based in rural Dane County that develops telecommunications equipment for the hospitality industry.

Serving our city for eleven years with all of you has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I can look back with tremendous pride at the large and small accomplishments I have been a part of. I am most appreciative of the integrity and dedication with which you all serve.

I know I leave our city government in capable and responsible hands. My only regret is that I cannot continue to serve with you. I hope you will continue to examine closely the role of Alder as it now functions in this city, and the time and commitment required to do the job well. It is not sustainable without a level of financial means and/or job flexibility that is beyond the reach of many in our community, including myself. This is unjust, and betrays the commitment to equity that we have made in so many other aspects of our government.

Thank you all for this journey.

Mark C.


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