Additional City Meetings

I stopped doing these cuz they make me mad . . . the “week ahead” is a farce. There are typically 4 – 10 additional meetings that pop up during the week and you have to do these daily to keep up. Here’s the 4 meetings that showed up yesterday, there will likely be more this week.

Yes, as mayor, I’d fix this. Agendas should be out a week in advance, and AT LEAST by the Friday before so the “weekly schedule” is actually a weekly schedule. If they are not, how can committee members be prepared and how can the public know what meetings they might like to attend and plan for it (babysitters, car sharing, doggy care, etc.)

Yesterday at 1:19
Board of Review
Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 1:30pm
City-County Building 210 Martin Lyther King, Jr. Blvd Room 103A
– 2 properties to be reviewed

Yesterday at 3:36
Madison Central Business Improvement District (BID) Board
Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 12:00pm
122 W. Washington Ave Room 1st Floor Conference
– Reports and updates . . . but here’s the details and it means they hide all their business under reports and updates, I’m guessing they vote on things along the way that are not noticed that way
– Chair’s Report – Sue Springman
a. Introduce New Staff
i. Lauren Ziegler & Thad Hoeffer
b. Open BID Board Positions
i. Introduce Potential Board Members
c. Vote on BID/DMI “Alliance Document”
d. Review Annual Meeting
– Partner Updates
a. Downtown Madison, Inc. – Jason Ilstrup
i. Top of State Street Safety Initiatives
b. Greater State Street Business Association – Amy Moore
c. 1st Settlement District Update – Ryan Huber
– . Special Events Downtown Discussion – BID Executive Committee
-. Staff Reports
a. Tiffany Kenney, Executive Director
i. Shine On Madison/Holiday Season Updates
ii. 4th Quarter Updates
iii. Website Update
iv. Public Art
b. Tim Jenquin, Operations Director
c. Jenny Sligh, Programming Coordinator
– City and Committee Updates
a. City Updates – Dan Kennelly, City of Madison, Office of Business Resources
b. City Alder Update – Mike Verveer, City of Madison Alder District 4

Yesterday at 3:37
President’s Work Group to Develop City-Wide Surveillance Equipment and Data Management Policies
Friday, August 3, 2018 at 12:00pm
City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Room 354
Presentation: CDA Housing Operations use of surveillance equipment (link decoy)
Presentation: Monona Terrace use of surveillance equipment (link decoy)
Update on the City Agency Survey
City agency surveillance equipment policies
Staff proposal for surveillance technology approval process
Staff proposal for surveillance definition

Yesterday at 3:48 (12 minutes to spare! Legally they have to have their notices out 24 hours in advance.)
Water Utility Board
Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 4:00pm
Madison Water Utility Operations Center 110 S. Paterson St Room Conference Room 203
– This is a notice of possible quorum . . . but I can’t see the agenda or tell why there might be a possible quorum . . . so they didn’t meet the legal requirements as far as I can tell. But it may have been posted on the wall outside the clerks office? It may also be that they meant to say 5:30 for the Racial Equity Social Justice Initiative Training? Unclear


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