City Week Ahead

Rosh Hashana is today, so the schedules look a little unusual as they juggle to avoid meetings today and scheduling meetings during finance committee meetings on the budget.

Monday, September 10, 2018
5:15 PM Police and Fire Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room GR27
– “may include” just about anything
– Fire Department
a. Monthly Staff Report status report and discussion regarding hiring procedures, appointments, promotions, and discipline, including recommendations of the Fire Chief
b. Action items: act on preliminary recommendation of the Fire Chief for the promtion to the rank of Apparatus Engineer of Firefighters Trevor Wiggins (deferred from previous meetings) and Terry McDaniel.
– Police Department
a. Monthly Staff Report status report and discussion regarding hiring procedures, appointments, promotions, and discipline, including recommendations of the Police Chief
b. Action items: act on preliminary recommendation of the Police Chief for the promotions of Police Officer Javier K Loredo to the rank of Sergeant of Police, effective Aigist 12, 2018, and Police Officers Kenneth A Mosley, Kelly E Dougherty, and Corey A Nelson to the rank of Detective, each effective August 26, 2018.
– Staffing and Legal Counsel Arrangements interim report on RFP process; general discussion, planning, and scheduling
– Report of Counsel may include status of pending litigation; summary of citizen complaint inquiries; file management planning

6:30 PM Task Force on Equity in Music and Entertainment Work Group CANCELLED City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 523
– cancelled

Tuesday, September 11, 2018
10:30 AM Community Development Authority 126 S. Hamilton St, Room 301
CDA Resolution # 4287 – Authorizing Broihahn Property Management to execute a purchase of services contract with the selected contractor for two boiler replacements at Monona Shores Apartments on behalf of the CDA.

7:30 PM Finance Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 201
– 2019 Capital Budget Hearings
2019 Executive Capital Budget

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
11:00 AM Multicultural Affairs Committee City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 108
– MAC SURVEY – Discussion of timeline, next steps, and process.

4:00 PM Monona Terrace Booking Event Assistance Advisory Committee Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau 22 E Mifflin St, Room Suite 200
Fund Availability
Midwest Food Products Association – 2020 Annual Convention
Midwest Food Products Association – 2021 Annual Convention
North American Network Operations Group – 2021 NANOG 82
Association of Children’s Museums – 2022 InterActivity Conference
National Association of County Veteran Service Officers – 2021 Annual Conference

4:30 PM Finance Committee City-County Building 210 Martin luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 354
– 2019 Capital Budget Hearings
2019 Executive Capital Budget

6:30 PM Task Force on Equity in Music and Entertainment Work Group City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 523
– Review drafts of report sections completed by task members.
– Set action items for completing report.

Thursday, September 13, 2018
8:00 AM Commission of the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Maintenance Facility 1610 Moorland Rd, Room Training Room
– Approval of Sewer Extension Plans
– New Construction Projects
– – Village at Autumn Lake – Phase 8, City of Madison
– – 134 South Fair Oaks Avenue, City of Madison
– – Juniper Ridge – Phase 7, Village of McFarland
– Outcomes Policy Study Session
– Presentation of Proposed 2019 Operating Budget and Capital Projects Budget
– Convene in Closed Session in Accordance with 19.85(1)c of the Wisconsin Statutes to Consider Employment, Promotion, Compensation or Performance Evaluation Data of any Public Employee Over Which the Governmental Body has Jurisdiction or Exercise Responsibility
– Discussions or Actions, if any, Relative to Items Discussed in Closed Session
– Chief Engineer and Director’s Report

8:15 AM Notice of Possible Quorum of City of Madison Committee(s) Central Library 201 W Mifflin St
– All Madison Public Libraries will be closed for regular business on Thursday, September 13th for an all staff training day.
– Staff Day is a day of learning, sharing, networking, and connecting to the Library’s mission and vision. In addition to closing all libraries for the day for as many staff to attend as possible, colleagues from Human Resources, City of Madison Mayor’s Office, Madison Public Library Foundation staff and Board members, Friends’ Board members and Madison Public Library Board members may be in attendance.
– Admission to the building will be through the Henry Street staff entrance for those interested in attending.
– Please note that a possible quorum exists of members of the Madison Public Library Board at this event.

8:30 AM Task Force on Structure of City Government Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center One John Nolen Drive, Room Q-R
– – 8:30 a.m. Dave Cieslewicz
– – 9:00 a.m. Joel Skornicka
– – 9:30 a.m. Joe Sensenbrenner
– – 10:00 am. Paul Soglin
– – no Sue Bauman?

1:00 PM Metropolitan Unified Fiber Network Consortium, Unincorporated Association City-County Building
210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 525
– Administrative Reports/Recommendations – Discussion and Possible Action items
– – Treasurer’s Report (Barr/Christian)
a. MUFN FY19 Budget Update
– – GLS Utility Locate Contract Renewal (Christian)
– – CTC Fiber Audit Information

4:30 PM Finance Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 357
– 2019 Capital Budget Hearings
2019 Executive Capital Budget

5:00 PM Board of Health for Madison and Dane County CANCELLED Madison Water Utility 119 E Olin Ave, Room A and B
– cancelled

Friday, September 14, 2018
12:00 PM President’s Work Group to Develop City-Wide Surveillance Equipment and Data Management Polices City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 201
Presentation: Parking Utility use of surveillance equipment
Presentation: City Engineering use of surveillance equipment
Update on the City Agency Survey
City agency surveillance equipment policies
Proposed Surveillance Policy Development


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