City Week Ahead

Late . . . was a little distracted this morning! 🙂

Monday, October 29, 2018
3:30 pm Madison Food Policy Council – Pollinator Protection Work Group Central Library 201 W Mifflin St, Room 201
– Review and revise draft Progress Report for MFPC
– Continue review of PPTF Report and bring ideas for new projects
– Updates
o IPM Policy Review Task Force
o Bee City
o Pollinator Habitat Map

5:00 pm Ad Hoc Landmarks Ordinance Review Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 103A
– Process Overview
– Update on Findings from Historic District Round 1 Meetings
– Historic District Round 2 Presentation
– Discussion of Findings from Historic District Round 2 Meetings
– Discussion of General Plan to Move Forward
They put all their committee documents in one link

5:00 pm Transportation Policy and Planning Board City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 201
Adopting the Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan.
Amending Sections 12.1335(2) of the Madison General Ordinances to expand the boundaries of the “Snow Emergency Zone.”
– Dream up submittal and concept (no link)
– County Highway Jurisdictional Transfer update (no link)
– Transit initiative package concept (no link)

5:00 pm EOC Executive Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 523
– Discuss 53601 – Allied Dr Neighborhood Housing Issues. Discuss the next steps in addressing what was heard at the Equal Opportunities Commission Meeting.
– Update: Discuss 50110 – Establishing a moratorium on issuance of new alcohol licenses in downtown Madison

5:30 PM Plan Commission 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 201 (City-County Building)
– no agenda available

6:00 pm Task Force on Equity in Music and Entertainment Work Group City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 523
– No agenda available

6:00 pm Mifflandia West Mifflin – West Washington Area Plan Madison Senior Center 330 W. Mifflin St, Room 1st Floor Lounge
– Social Practice Art Gallery (6 pm)
– Introduction to plan process and presentation with an interactive group planning exercise (7 pm)

6:00 pm Mifflandia West Mifflin – West Washington Area Plan Madison Senior Center 330 W. Mifflin St, Room 1st Floor Lounge
– So important it made the list of city meetings twice!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018
1:00 pm Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District – Employee Leadership Council Operations Building 1610 Moorland Rd, Room Executive Conference Room
– Also on there twice, the first one has no agenda linked, see below

1:00 pm Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District – Employee Leadership Council Operations Building 1610 Moorland Rd, Room Executive Conference Room
– Discuss issue requests.

2:00 pm Deferred Compensation Committee Madison Municipal Bldg 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 202
City of Madison Plan Investment Report and Review ICMA RC

4:30 pm Common Council Executive Committee City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 108
Amending Section 2.20(1) and creating Section 2.20(3) of the Madison General Ordinances to allow the Mayor to delegate the duty to preside or chair meetings of the Common Council.
– Update: 311 Request for Proposals (RFP) – Sarah Edgerton, Information Technology Director and Chief Information Officer (nothing in link)
– Update: City’s Performance Excellence Survey – Council President Samba Baldeh / Kwasi Obeng, Council Chief of Staff (nothing in link)
– More updates

5:30 pm Common Council – Discussion City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 201
PowerPoint: 10/30/18 Presentation by CSIT Team
– Members of the City’s Community Safety Intervention Team (CSIT) will present information on their activities to the Common Council and answer questions from alders.

In February 2017 Mayor’s office created a Rapid Response Team to strategize how to respond to increase in violence. Later this team was renamed the Community Safety Intervention Team (CSIT), it is an umbrella group of key organizational stakeholders who care about community violence and have the resources to help. They share information and develop strategies which will serve to mitigate and repair the harm violence causes in our community. The group also has protocols in place to respond to critical incidents of violence in order to prevent further harm to the community. The group meets biweekly but also has the ability to convene and activate protocols quickly in the event of a critical incident.

In the presentation members of the team will go over the formation of the group, partnerships, protocols as well as their mission and purpose. They will answer any questions alders may have and discuss the future of the CSIT.

6:30 pm Common Council City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 201
2019 Executive Operating Budget
Submitting the appointment of Yang Tao for confirmation of a five-year term as the City Traffic Engineer.
Adopting the Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan.
Adopting the 2018-2023 Park and Open Space Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan.
Requesting Dane County and the City of Madison convene a technical work group to study strategies for reducing the risk of future high lake level events and flooding on the Yahara River and the Yahara Lakes.
Repealing Section 3.17(18) of the Madison General Ordinances to eliminate the CDA Housing Operations Subcommittee
Approving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) #46 (Research Park), City of Madison.
Creating Section 3.32(16) of the Madison General Ordinances to provide for Paid Parental Leave.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
10:00 am Street Use Staff Commission City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 108
– No street use applications on the agenda, how strange.
– Updates and recap of previous events.

1:30 pm Board of Review City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 103A
– Two assessments to be reviewed
– – 502 N Frances
– – 3401 Kipling Dr.

3:00 pm Personnel Board Madison Municipal Bldg 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 202
Gift shop manager -> Gift Shop Sales Leadworker
Employee Assistance Program Administrator -> Employee Assistance Program Manager
City Channel Producer Director -> Digital Media Specialist
Digital Media Supervisor -> Media Team Leadworker

Thursday, November 1, 2018
12:00 Madison’s Central Business Improvement District (BID) Board 122 W. Washington Ave. – 1st Floor Conference Room
– no agenda

12:30 pm Urban Forestry Task Force City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Room GR-27
Formulating Recommendations, Action Plan, and Long-term Departmental Strategy

1:00 pm Community Development Authority Madison Municipal Bldg 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 111
– Finance Subcommittee

4:30 pm Solid Waste Advisory Committee 1501 W Badger Rd
– Sandbag Collection and Processing (see agenda for links, main link not linked)
Smart Litter Containers
Streets Division Winter Salt Usage

5:00 pm Public Market Development Committee Madison Municipal Building 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 207
Public Market Discussion
– Public Market Mission Follow Up
– MarketReady Update
– Funding Updates
– Public Market Foundation Update
– Design/Development Process Update

5:00 pm Madison Public Library Board Hawthorne Library 2707 E Washington Ave
– REPORT OF LIBRARY DIRECTOR EVALUATION SUBCOMMITTEE – The evaluation process is beginning. The Board President will provide an overview of the process and next steps with deadlines. Melissa Gombar from City of Madison Human Resources will also be in attendance to discuss the process.
– Reports

5:00 pm Community Development Block Grant Committee Madison Municipal Building 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 207
Awarding up to $4.82 million from the Affordable Housing Fund and $2,280,000 in Federal HOME funds to support four development projects, selected through a City Request for Proposals (RFP) process, that will construct approximately 310 units of affordable rental housing in Madison, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute loan agreements with the developers of those projects.
– Reports


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