What will the council talk about tonight

This, and items people show up to talk about – like the budget and the Police Policy Report writer.

Agenda Items #1 – #11 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS
(Note #1 – Recessed Public Hearing – 2019 Operating Budget – Recommended action is to adopt the Finance Committee amendments, recess the public hearing to the Common Council meeting of November 13, 2018.)

12. Legislative File No. 53453 – Submitting the appointment of Yang Tao for confirmation of a five-year term as the City Traffic Engineer. (Report of Finance Committee)

The following items are EXTRA-MAJORITY ITEMS – Extra Majority vote items will be recorded as unanimous votes unless a roll call or exclusion is requested:
60. Legislative File No. 53278 – Amending the 2018 Planning Division Operating Budget to authorize total neighborhood conference expenditures to exceed the $19,500 allocated in the 2018 Operating Budget and to accept private contributions and registration fees to be used to offset additional neighborhood conference expenses. (Report of Finance Committee – 15 votes required)

63. Legislative File No. 53404 – Authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept the FY2018 USDOJ STOP School Violence Prevention and Mental Health Training Program award for $250,000 and to utilize these funds to prevent school violence, through the training of school personnel and the education of students; and amend budgets accordingly. (Report of Finance Committee – 15 votes required)

13. Legislative File No. 53472 – Adopting the Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan. (Business by the President – Additional Referral: Madison Food Policy Council)

81. Legislative File No. 53608 – Creating Section 28.022 – 00350 and Section 28.022 – 00351 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property generally located at 222 N. Charter Street, 8th Aldermanic District, from TR-U2 (Traditional Residential – Urban 2) District to PD(GDP-SIP) (Planned Development (General Development Plan, Specific Implementation Plan)) District. (New Business for Referral – Ald. Zach Wood, District 9 – Additional Referral: Joint Campus Area Committee)

Items placed on EXCLUSION LIST
69. Legislative File No. 53530 – Authorizing an Amendment to the Executed Development Agreement between the City of Madison and Beitler Real Estate Services LLC and Directing Further Actions as a Component of the Judge Doyle Development Project. (Report of Finance Committee – Ald. David Ahrens, District 15)

77. Legislative File No. 53031 – Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin for the purpose of continuing to promote drinking water research that will help improve system water quality, improve energy efficiency, protect the public health, and improve system operations and efficiency. (Report of Water Utility Board – Ald. David Ahrens, District 15)

111. Legislative File No. 53659 – Authorizing a non-competitive service contract with Carrie Rothburd for consulting services for Rothburd to summarize the work and write the final report of the Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee, and amending the
2018 Adopted Operating Budget to transfer appropriation within the Common Council. (Late Item – 15 votes required – Council Vice-President Sheri Carter – Submitting an Alternate Resolution)

Legislative File No. 53660 – BY TITLE ONLY – Adopting modifications for 2019 to the Employee Benefits Handbooks for General Municipal Employees and the Madison City Attorneys Association. (Council President Samba Baldeh)
– Recommended Action: Refer to Committee on Employee Relations, Finance Committee (11/26/18), Common Council (12/4/18)


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