An Elephant In Reformers Clothing

As we get closer and closer to the spring elections, more and more information about the candidates is emerging.  I already wrote an endorsement post and why to vote for each of the candidates.  I also pointed out the one person that no one in Madison should vote for.

I never thought that in Madison, WI there would be any chance that a David Blaska would ever even come close to winning a seat on the Madison School Board.  Now it turns out the people who would tear down the public education system and privatize it will be happy if Blaska does not win, because they have another candidate they prefer.

Kaleem Caire for School Board
Like This Page · March 24 ·

I want to thank former Governor Tommy Thompson for endorsing my campaign for Madison School Board. His endorsement is another reflection of my history of working across party affiliations to get things done for young people and families in our state and across the country. We will need to work collaboratively with both houses of our legislature and leaders in our community if we are going to secure needed support for expanding access to high quality early childhood education for all families, and new investments in public school innovation. I appreciate his confidence in my ability to serve and lead coalitions to get results.

While I do not remember when in the past Tommy Thompson has endorsed in local school board races.  This year however, he decided to wade into the Madison School Board race and endorse not 1 but 2 candidates – David Blaska and Kaleem Caire.

Tommy, who started the first school choice program in the country, and believes that teachers should be able to lead prayers in school, and taxpayer money for religious schools.

Is that the public education champion we want running our schools?

But wait there is more – there is always more:

When you go vote for a raging homophobe and bigot who is basically employed by the Republican Party, take a second and also vote for our school privatizer friends.

Which begs the question, why would a Dane County liberal/Democrat (you know who you are)be supporting candidates on the School Board that have a privatization background and are being actively campaigned for by the Republican Party?

If you know some of the people on the endorsement list, please point out that privatization is NOT the answer.

Also please, please get out and vote for Christiana Carusi, our children and our teachers are counting on you!


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