1. I was having difficulties seeing the difference between the proposal and what was done this past year, but the evaluation of the transfer point system and the overall evaluation of the route structure are more ambitious than the previous study, which was started under Soglin’s administration.

    Metro staff seemed to be more in the driver’s seat during the last study, which concerned me because I feel they never understood just how inconvenient and overcomplicated the system was for a lot of riders. During the meetings last year I was surprised that they wanted to keep the transfer points when it was obvious to me that each stop on the BRT should be a transfer point. Staff bristled when I voiced my concern that the current system was too complicated even for regular riders much less new ones.

    The mayor has always played her cards close when it has come to her opinions about current Metro service. This evaluation should have perhaps been done last year but wasn’t, probably because staff who thought the current system was just fine were heavily involved in last year’s studies. Having someone from the outside evaluate the system could help overcome inertia and hopefully better cultivate a sense of customer service from Metro. I have always felt Metro could get more riders just by making such improvements with the current system. Maybe I’m reading my own desires and concerns into the current proposal, but if I’m interpreting it correctly I think it would be a welcome development before we start spending money on infrastructure.

    Also I think the “revenue neutral” route changes is meant to talk about the possibility of changing service on a given route without increasing costs for that route.


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