Blog Feedback

As I wander around town, I’ve been collecting feedback on my new blog layout, and we’ve made several changes as a result, keep the ideas coming.

How many comments You should now be able to see how many comments are on each article, not just on the all page, but on my tab as well.

Recent comments You an quickly scan segments of recent comments on the right hand column.

Visited links You can now see what you visited and what you didn’t. I’m not happy with the color yet, but we’ll work on that.

Recent posts Are up on the left.

Moderated comments with people using their real names That seems to be working and hopefully you don’t have to wait too long to get your comments posted. The discussion on immigration is thus far, even with 25 comments, largely civil.

My old blog Is back up and accessible if you found broken links in the last few days. I’ll work on fixing the links then take the old blog back down in a month or two . . . or whenever I figure that all out.

Still mulling over a few things like
– Archiving methodology (see midway down the left side)
– Small aesthetics issues
– Showing which tab you are on

I’m looking forward to guests starting to post under the “all” page and perhaps adding some more bloggers, but as we work out the kinks, we’re looking for your feedback. Feel free to contact us at forwardlookout at to let us know know what you like, and more importantly, what you don’t like. We’ll see if we can fix it. Or . . . let us know if you have a blog post you’d like posted.


  1. Please make the link default a target=_ so that it opens a new window. This makes it much easier to see the topic to which you are referring and keep the flow of the article.


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