When Will We Have a New Director of Planning, Community and Economic Development?

A little while longer.

Good Morning,

At the council meeting scheduled for July 6, 2010 I will be requesting that a resolution authorizing the extension of Mark Olinger’s Provisional Appointment to the position of Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development be adopted under suspension of the rules.

Madison General Ordinances and City of Madison Personnel Rules allow the HR Director to make provisional appointments for up to six (6) months while a position is being studied or while HR is actively working to fill the permanent position. Provisional appointments may only exceed six (6) months with council approval.

Mark Olinger was provisionally appointed to the position of Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development on January 6, 2010.

As the City is still in the process of filling this position with final interviews currently scheduled for July 19, 2010, I am requesting an extension of this provisional appointment until such time as the position is filled or prior to that date if the Mayor determines that Mr. Olinger should no longer be employed in this position.

I am requesting that this extension be adopted under suspension of the rules because council approval is required if the provisional appointment extends beyond July 6, 2010.

If you have any question please feel free to call me today at 266-4001. I will be on vacation tomorrow and all of next week so if you have questions after today please contact Mike Lipski, Compensation and Benefits Manager at 266-4615.

Thank you.

Brad Wirtz
HR Director


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