Susan Schmitz (DMI) and Bill White on the “Broken” Development Process

Turns out, they say the development process isn’t “broken”. And they back off of many of the other statements in their report. I probably could have been more hard-hitting on their backing down, but they sounded so reasonable compared to the reports I was a little stunned. Sounds like things aren’t so bad. Here’s the Bill White report and the Downtown Madison Inc. (DMI) report to refresh your memory. Tomorrow I’ll have the Smart Growth recommendations. Enjoy the show!

If you’re interested in this topic, you might want to attend the Neighborhood Summit on this issue on Saturday July 31, from 9 – noon at Trinity Lutheran Church (Fellowship Hall, basement) at 1904 Winnebago.

Also, if you don’t want to watch on-line, you can tune in tonight at 5:00pm on channel 991 or 95. Or tomorrow morning at 6am.

Next week, what is the City’s plan for Affordable Housing? Hear from Brian Munson and School Board member Marj Passman who both serve on the the Housing Diversity Committee and the Housing Committee.

And, starting in August, listen for my WORT show where I host A Public Affair “every other Tuesday”. I’ll be co-hosting with Stacy Harbaugh on July 27th with my first show on August 3rd (hopefully Mike Verveer and Dana Chabot on the Overture), my second show won’t be til August 24th.


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