Do These People Support Sheriff Mahoney’s ICE Policy?

Check out the people endorsing him, its a pretty disappointing list.

This is a partial list, the full list here.

* Senator Russ Feingold
* Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin
* Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk
* Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz
* Senator Fred Risser and Nancy Risser
* Representative Mark Pocan
* County Board Chair Scott McDonell
* Supervisor Carousel Bayrd
* Supervisor John Hendrick
* Supervisor Diane Hesselbein
* Supervisor Brett Hulsey
* Supervisor Kyle Richmond
* Supervisor Barbara Vedder
* Madison School Board Member Beth Moss
* Madison School Board Member Marj Passman
* Madison School Board President Arlene Silveira
* Michael Basford
* Jeanne Behrend
* Paul Soglin
* Johnnie Winston, Jr.

I guess I understand some of the hard core democrats jumping on board, but I’m still disappointed in them. Is party success more important than good policies for our community? Do they support his calling ICE when there is no evidence that the community benefits from those calls and it clearly has a devastating effect on families in our community. And creates fear and safety issues for 1,000’s more that do not contact law enforcement for fear of deportation. The only way to get the Sheriff to change his policies is through elections, he’s made it clear he won’t change them any other way. Are these people standing behind his policies? So much so they are willing to lend their name to his campaign?

I’m even more disappointed in those who tend to lean more progressive. You should check out the list, I didn’t see a single latino name. I might have missed one, but I don’t think there were any.

I also only saw one alder for the City of Madison. I don’t know if they weren’t asked, or if they all stood their ground. I see he didn’t use those titles.

I’ve had the opportunity to watch Sheriff Mahoney in action in the meetings where ICE policies were discussed and I found his attitude and his style appalling. He may be the best person on the ballot, but I would hope our community could send him a strong message about his policies and the change they want to see.

I’d say check out the list and ask those you see that you know why they would endorse him with his existing ICE policies. I know I intend to. I’d like to see them withdraw their endorsement until he agrees to change his policies. Otherwise, these folks are sending the wrong message to our community.


  1. What about the PD Supervisors (Hendrick, Richmond, Vedder) who have repeatedly voted and even authored items in opposition to the Sheriff’s policy? This is really rather disappointing…


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