EDC Changes Plans . . . New Hearing Date and Time

Uh . . . duh . . . shows you how close they are following one of their allegedly important issues . . . makes me wonder if they have any credibility discussing planning . . . The public hearing on the “broken process” is as follows:

Good Morning,

We received some flak for scheduling one of the public hearings the same night as the Downtown Plan unveiling on September 23rd. Doug Nelson, EDC Chairperson, reviewed alternative schedules and chose the following schedule:

Thursday, Sept 16, EDC public hearing

Wednesday Oct 6, special EDC & Common Council meeting to review draft report
Wednesday October 20, regular EDC meeting, review final report

Please add these dates to your calendars. I will also send an Outlook meeting invitation to you for the Oct 6th and Oct 20th meetings. You should already have received the Outlook invitation to the Sept 16th public hearing.

Thank you for your patience and scheduling flexibility in setting these meeting dates.

Peggy Yessa
Office of Business Resources
Economic Development Division
Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development
City of Madison

I’m guessing I’m missing something here, when does EDC review the draft report?


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