“Broken” Process Primer for Tonight

The Economic Development Committee is holding its only public hearing on this topic tonight at the Monona Terrace Hall of Ideas. Here’s the background info you might be interested in! No shortage of opinions here!

For those of you looking for the background materials and information about the development process, here’s a compilation of everything I could find and hopefully I got it all right. Comments can still be submitted to pyessa@cityofmadison.com if you want to contribute to the discussion!

Inconvenient Truths
Plan Commission Approvals Information
2009 Landmarks Commission Approvals Information.pdf
Zoning Board of Appeals information on approvals
Urban Design approvals

Background Materials
UDC Procedural Comments to EDC
Development Review Process (Includes time it takes to get approvals)
“generalized top down flow chart”
Process Flow Chart (Broken down by pre-application, board and post approval process)
Plan Commission Review Standards March 2010
City Best Practices Guide for Development
Projects 2006 – 2010

History Documents
Mayors EDC Report memo 8 4 2005
Mayor Memo Oct 5 2006
Madison Measures App Review
La Follette Evaluation of permitting process
La Folllette Appendices
Opportunities to make Madison City Government More Friendly to Business 2004 (i.e. Bugher report)
Development Process Report 2006

Capitol Neighborhoods Development Protocol
Capitol Neighborhoods Development Protocol, Developers Edition

“Bill White’s Group”
Downtown Madison Inc
Bill White and Susan Schmitz interview (less strident comments, backing off)
Smart Growth Madison (draft?)
Chamber of Commerce (See comments about them not helping do research, but only wants to have a presumptive approval if not approved in a short timeframe.)
Adams Outdoor Recommendation 72210.pdf
Bethel Lutheran Church
Marshall Smith/Steve King response
BID (Downtown Business Improvement District) Input
Chamber of Commerce official comments
Smart Growth comments, final
Al Zimmerman from Economic Development Commission
Realtor’s Recommendations
Don Severson
Marshall Smith

Marquette Neighborhood Association DRAFT comments
Northside Planning Council Recommendations
Dungeon Monroe Comments
Greenbush comments
Anita Weier (Member of Northside Planning Council and Friends of Cherokee Marsh)
Capitol Neighborhoods
Alder Marsha Rummel and CNI President Adam Plotkin on This Side of Town (WYOU Television)
Bert Stitt
Madison Trust for Historic Preservation
Neighborhood Summit notes
Cooley pictures from Neighborhood Summit
Regent Neighborhood Association
Erik Paulson
Sherman School
Sherman School Summit Concerns

Dawn O’Kroley (Urban Design)
John Harrington (Urban Design)
Nan Fey (Plan Commission Chair)
Plan Commission
Al Zimmerman from Economic Development Commission
More plan commission comments
Landmarks Memo
UDC Review/Report

Marshall Smith/Steve King response
Judy Compton comments
Judy Compton again

City Engineering
DAT (Development Assistance Team) notes

COVERED ON FORWARD LOOKOUT/WYOU (This Side of Town)/WORT (A Public Affair)
My random initial thoughts, 5 minute rant

WYOU Television (Channels 95 and 991) and thissideoftown.blip.tv
Bill White and Susan Schmitz interview
Alder Marsha Rummel and CNI President Adam Plotkin on This Side of Town (WYOU Television)

WORT 89.9 FM Radio
Interview with Alder Shiva Bidar-Sielaff and Lou Host-Jablonski. (August 10th)

As always, let me know if I missed something! And I’ll keep updating as we go along . . .


  1. It’s a shame that this is at the same time as the joint public hearing on the recommendations of the Community Services Committee and CDBG Commission for community resources funding (5:30 pm at the Labor Temple). Where are the neighborhoods supposed to go?

  2. No kidding, you’d think that the Department of Planning, and Community and Economic Development would have noticed that Community Development and Economic Development have a public hearing on the same night . . . but I guess that is an indication of how well they work together. Working on a post on the winners and losers for Community Development, but the information the staff provides is not easy to work with.


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