How Are We Doing with Diversity On Our Committees?

Women, people of color and people with disabilities all are under-represented on our city committees, so says a new report.

You can view the report here, but here’s the summary.

Women are doing the best of the three groups.
Goal/Representation in Population: 50.5%
Current Representation on Committee: 40.6%
Number of Men on Committees: 374
Number of Women on Committee: 256
% needed to reach eqality: 9.9%
Committee representation: There are 3 of 87 committees with no women on them.

Goal/Representation in Population: 20.6%
Current Representation on Committees; 15.1%
Number of White People on Committees: 535
Number of People of Color on Committes: 95
% needed to reach equality: 5.5%
Committee representation: Only 49 of the 87 Committees have people of color on them or 56.3%

White (Non-Hispanic) 535 on committees, over-represented by 5.5%
Hispanic 23 on committees, under-represented by 1.9%
Black (Non-Hispanic) 42 on committees, over-represented by 0.4%
Asian (Non-Hispanic) 19 on committees, under-represented by 3.4%
Native American (Non-Hispanic) 7 on committees, under-represented by 1.0%
Other & 2 or More Races (Non-Hispanic) 4 on committees, under-represented by 1.6%
Pacific Islander (Non-Hispanic) 0 on committees, which is the same in the population

Goal/Representation in the population: 10.5%
Current representation on committees: 5.7%
Number of people without disabilities on committees: 36
Number of people with disabilities on committees: 594
% needed to reach equality: 4.8%
Committee Representation: Only 28 of 87 committees have people with disabilities on them, or 32.2%

There were 60 vacancies when they analyzed this information in 2010 and 106 vacancies when they looked at the inforamation in 2009.


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